Archive from October 2023

Read the Payara Platform Survey 2023!

It's time to launch the results of our Payara Platform Survey, 2023.

We recently reached 150,000 monthly users, so it was time to take stock of this vast global community.

We asked questions about Payara Platform, Jakarta EE and Java. What improvements do you want? What versions are your favourites? What IDEs, cloud vendors, databases and more are the most popular? 

The results make for fascinating reading, with your preferred stack choices surprising lots of our Payara engineers. Read the report to find out if your organisation is in line with the wider community.

The Payara Monthly Catch October 2023

It's time for the October Payara Monthly Catch! It might be Halloween soon, but our monthly news roundup will protect you from the scary thought of missing out on anything from the world of Java, Jakarta EE, MicroProfile, and open source. We collate all the very best content as your TREAT for the month 🎃🦇👻

A key Java survey came out this month - theAzul State of Java Survey and Report. With 2000 respondents, it was interesting to learn that Java 11 was the most popular JDK version, and that 72% were using non-Oracle solutions.  We were also pleased that  19% of respondents reported Payara as their application server of choice, beating GlassFish, TomEE & WildFly!

Ease into Java 21: Uncovering Instance Main Methods with JEP 445

In the world of programming, stepping stones are crucial for novices to transition into proficient developers. This journey often begins with understanding the syntax and semantics of a given programming language. Java, being one of the popular programming languages, has always aimed to be an effective medium for both novices and experienced developers. The recent release of Java 21 introduced a core feature, known as Unnamed Classes and Instance Main Methods through JEP 445, aimed at simplifying the learning curve for new programmers, making it easier for them to write their first program without much fanfare and verbosity.

A Closer Look at the HashiCorp Case - Payara Podcast Episode 2

For this second episode of the Payara Podcast,Rachel Stephens,Senior Analyst at RedMonk (the developer-focused industry analyst company) and Steve Millidge,Payara Founder and CEO, discussed the case of Hashicorp.

Hashicorp, the vendor of Vagrant, Terraform and other deployment-automation tools, made a controversial change from Free and open source (FOSS) status to a Business Source License, in August 2023. 

What's New in the October 2023 Payara Platform Release?

As the leaves take on a golden hue and the cool breeze of October sets in, we're thrilled to bring to the table the latest iteration of the Payara Platform. The October 2023 release features 3 bug fixes, 9 component upgrades, 1 security fix and 1 improvement for Payara Enterprise 6.7.0. Payara Community 6.2023.10 also features 4 bug fixes, 9 component upgrades, 1 security fix and 1 improvement.

How to use Payara Eclipse IDE plugin

Are you looking for a smooth and efficient way to develop and deploy Jakarta EE applications using Payara Server within the Eclipse IDE? Look no further! The Payara Eclipse Plugin is a powerful tool that streamlines the development process and facilitates seamless integration between your application and the Payara Server. In this blog, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of installing, configuring, and utilizing the Payara Eclipse Plugin to enhance your Jakarta EE development experience.

Switching Up Java: Unpacking Pattern Matching in Java 21

Pattern Matching for switch, introduced in Java 21 via JEP 441, marks a significant enhancement to the Java programming language, offering a more expressive and compact way to handle complex decision blocks. This feature extends the existing switch construct by allowing patterns in case labels, thus facilitating more concise, readable, and safe code when dealing with multi-way comparisons​​.

A Quick Intro To Java 21 Foreign Function and Memory (FFM) API

Java 21 introduces the Foreign Function and Memory (FFM) API, which allows Java programs to interoperate with code and data outside the Java runtime. Java operates within a managed environment known as the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The JVM serves as an abstraction layer between the executing Java code and the underlying hardware and OS. One of the core design principles behind the JVM is to provide a secure and isolated environment for Java applications to run. This isolation is beneficial for several reasons, including security and stability; it mitigates risks such as unauthorized access to system resources or memory corruption, which could lead to vulnerabilities like buffer overflows.

Mastering the Upgrade to Jakarta EE 10 - Video Tutorial

In the ever-evolving landscape of enterprise applications, staying updated with the latest technologies is not just an option—it's a necessity for competitive advantage. The release of Jakarta EE 10 brought forth a myriad of enhancements that can significantly improve the scalability, security, and performance of your enterprise applications. But how do you make the transition smoothly? What are the best practices and strategies for upgrading?

In this recorded webinar tutorial - watch here -  we guide you through the essential steps and considerations for a successful upgrade. We will delve into the new features and improvements introduced in Jakarta EE 10 and why they make a compelling case for the upgrade.