Posts tagged Conferences

Strategy Insight Track at the Virtual Payara Conference - See What's Coming!

Join us for the Virtual Payara Conference – a two-day, free online event dedicated to fortifying the security and resilience of your Java applications.

Thursday 27 June 2024, 1-5:30pm BST – Security & Cyber Resilience in the Java World - REGISTER HERE

Strategic Insights track is geared towards IT leaders, decision-makers, and strategists focusing on the broader aspects of security and cyber resilience in the Java ecosystem. This day aims to provide strategic insights and actionable guidance to help you navigate the complex cybersecurity landscape and build a robust, resilient Java environment.

Developer Insight Track at the Virtual Payara Conference - See What's Coming!

Join us for the Virtual Payara Conference – a two-day, free online event dedicated to fortifying the security and resilience of your Java applications.

Wed 26 June 2024, 1-7pm BST – Developer Insights – Designing Secure and Resilient Solutions for Jakarta EE Applications – REGISTER HERE

Developer Insight track is tailored for developers and technical professionals who are involved in the design and development of Java applications. This day features an array of sessions aimed at providing practical insights and hands-on knowledge to enhance the security and resilience of your solutions. See below for the agenda details.

Securing Your Java Ecosystem: Join Us at the Virtual Payara Conference, 26-27 June 2024!

Join us for the Virtual Payara Conference – a two-day, free online event dedicated to fortifying the security and resilience of your Java applications.

This conference is designed for developers, IT professionals, and decision-makers who are keen to enhance their knowledge and skills in creating secure Java environments. The event is divided into two focused days, each packed with insightful sessions from industry experts, including EU Cyber Resilience Act Specialists, Java Leaders, Industry Analysts & more.

Wed 26 June 2024, 1-6pm BST – Developer Insights – Designing Secure and Resilient Solutions for Jakarta EE Applications – REGISTER HERE

Thurs 27 June 2024, 1-6pm BST – Strategic Insights: Security & Cyber Resilience in the Java World – REGISTER HERE

Creating a Kubernetes Operator in Java: Foojay JUG Tour

Foojay's Virtual JUG tour is in full swing, with the Java community platform organising a succession of online events at JUGs all across the world. 

As contributors to the Foojay platform, supporters from the start and members of itsinaugural advisory board, Payara Services was happy to participate. Rudy de Busscher presented his talk, 'Creating a Kubernetes Operator in Java', for the St. Louis Java User Group as part of the tour.

You can now watch this, and also hear Geertjan Wielenga introduce the concept of Foojay to start the talk.

MicroProfile, Your Cloud-Native Companion for Enterprise Java

Writing microservices within Jakarta EE is technically possible, but you miss a few goodies for the distributed environment you are running in.

MicroProfile wants to optimize your Enterprise Java application by creating Java standards which link to some well known CloudNative standards like etcd for Configuration, OpenTracing and Jaeger for Distributed Tracing and Prometheus for Metrics.

In this talk, delivered by Payara's Rudy De Busscher at EclipseCon, he goes over some basic concepts of the MicroProfile specifications and show you through various demos how the integration with those tools can be done easily.

Securing Microservices with Auth0 and MicroProfile in Kubernetes without a hassle

In this day and age, securing enterprise platforms is a challenge that developers and consultants tackle in an uninformed manner, producing subpar solutions in most cases. To combat this pattern, third-party security services such as Auth0 have been devised to externalize the security of services, and they focus on stable implementations of common enterprise use cases (identity management, OAuth compatibility, and so on), and platforms such as Eclipse MicroProfile allow for their easy integration with enterprise Java microservices. Moreover, in combination with Kubernetes, MicroProfile is a very powerful tool to simplify securing microservices, monitoring them and creating reproducible deployments.

JakartaOne Livestream Japan 2020 (Japanese)

このイベントは、昨年9月に開催されたJakartaOne Livestreamに感銘を受けた日本のJavaコミュニティ有志が企画したバーチャル・カンファレンスです。私もこのカンファレンスのプログラム委員の一員として、カンファレンスの事前準備や当日の運営に携わりました。このようなイベントは日本ではまだ例がなく私たちも(当日のカンファレンス進行中でさえ)試行錯誤しましたが、日本のJavaコミュニティに広くJakarta EEMicroProfileをご紹介しようと最善を尽くしました。