Posts tagged Conferences (2)

JakartaOne Livestream Japan 2020 (Japanese)

このイベントは、昨年9月に開催されたJakartaOne Livestreamに感銘を受けた日本のJavaコミュニティ有志が企画したバーチャル・カンファレンスです。私もこのカンファレンスのプログラム委員の一員として、カンファレンスの事前準備や当日の運営に携わりました。このようなイベントは日本ではまだ例がなく私たちも(当日のカンファレンス進行中でさえ)試行錯誤しましたが、日本のJavaコミュニティに広くJakarta EEMicroProfileをご紹介しようと最善を尽くしました。

The Present and Future of Java at the GeeCon Conference 2019

Each year, there's one special Java conference for me. It's GeeCon in Prague because Prague is my home city where I work and live and where I know so many great people in the Java community. This year, I had the opportunity to be a part of GeeCon again as a speaker. As is true every year, GeeCon was well organized, with a lot of interesting international and local speakers and a huge crowd of passionate attendees. All of this made the conference exceptional and worth attending.

Payara Services at Oracle Code One 2019

This year marked the second edition of the Oracle Code One conference, which was formerly known as Java One. The conference is one of the most important Java conferences in the world and rightly so for many reasons! Which means that we at Payara couldn't miss being there. We were extraordinary busy at the conference, so we want to share with you a short summary of what happened, what it meant for Payara and for the whole Java community in general.

My JConf Colombia 2019 Impressions

Last week, the Colombian chapter of the Latin American JConf Conferences was held in the beautiful city of Medellin, Antioquia. There were multiple Java related talks across the 5th and 6th of July in two tracks: