Fabio Turizo's First Time at Oracle Code One

Photo of Fabio Turizo by Fabio Turizo

This was my first time attending Oracle Code One, and by extension traveling to San Francisco.

It was a wonderful experience to see how the Java community gathers in the city and I had the opportunity to attend some interesting talks as well. One of these talks was of special interest to me, GraalVM Vision and Roadmap, since it laid out the current status of the GraalVM project and helped clarify some details about the state of the project, real use cases for GraalVM in production, benefits of its polyglot architecture and more. This year GraalVM was one of the hottest topics at the conference so I'm glad that I was able to attend the talk.

Additionally, I also participated in my first live Hackergarten, which was a hacking session on the JSR385 - Units Of Measurement (UOM) API, courtesy of Thodoris Bais, who is part of the expert group responsible of the amazing work done on this project. I was extremely interested in knowing more about this API! If you are like me, someone who has struggled in the past writing code over and over in order to handle units and conversion challenges on multiple projects, you'll find this API extremely useful!

I'd also like to take this chance to thank everyone that attended my talk on Securing Microservices with MicroProfile and Auth0, I had a blast talking about this topic and since it was my first talk at a big event like this, it gave me valuable information to use in future talks as well. I don't even need to mention how nervous I was since this was my first talk in English too!

Fabio at Oracle Code One 2019

In general the event felt well organized, and it allowed me the opportunity to meet a lot of people in the community like Ivar Grimmstad and Ken Fogel for example, in the multiple social events held out through the week (like the JCP party or the Google Influencers Gathering). We also had the chance to talk with some of our customers who also attended the conference, along  with some potential prospects as well, so overall we had a very productive time there!

My only gripe as a first participant is that the exhibition hall for Code One was not clearly delimited and it was a bit confusing to have it right next to Oracle's Open World exhibition hall. I hope that in future iterations of Code One there's a separate exhibition hall that doesn't have this problem.


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