MicroProfile, Your Cloud-Native Companion for Enterprise Java

Photo of Priya Khaira-Hanks by Priya Khaira-Hanks

Writing microservices within Jakarta EE is technically possible, but you miss a few goodies for the distributed environment you are running in.

MicroProfile wants to optimize your Enterprise Java application by creating Java standards which link to some well known CloudNative standards like etcd for Configuration, OpenTracing and Jaeger for Distributed Tracing and Prometheus for Metrics.

In this talk, delivered by Payara's Rudy De Busscher at EclipseCon, he goes over some basic concepts of the MicroProfile specifications and show you through various demos how the integration with those tools can be done easily.


Examples of configuration, tracing, metrics and fault tolerance are shown. After this introduction, you will know all the basics to write your next micro-service with Enterprise Java and MicroProfile. Rudy demonstrates various examples of how the MicroProfile implementations can be integrated with products from the CloudNative standards. It gives insight into microservices defined with Java and MicroProfile can use those products to make the operations of their microservices easier.

Make sure you are following Payara on Twitter for the latest news on conference appearances.

