Strategy Insight Track at the Virtual Payara Conference - See What's Coming!

Photo of Dominika Tasarz by Dominika Tasarz

Join us for the Virtual Payara Conference – a two-day, free online event dedicated to fortifying the security and resilience of your Java applications.

Thursday 27 June 2024, 1-5:30pm BST – Security & Cyber Resilience in the Java World - REGISTER HERE

Strategic Insights track is geared towards IT leaders, decision-makers, and strategists focusing on the broader aspects of security and cyber resilience in the Java ecosystem. This day aims to provide strategic insights and actionable guidance to help you navigate the complex cybersecurity landscape and build a robust, resilient Java environment.

This second day of the conference promises to provide a strategic framework for enhancing the security and resilience of your Java ecosystem. With expert insights, practical solutions, and real-world examples, you’ll leave equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the cybersecurity landscape and protect your Java applications effectively.

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Building a Cyber-Resilient Business: Insights from the Cyber Resilience Act with Julia Apostle & Kelly Hagedorn (Orrick)

Start the day by delving into the Cyber Resilience Act with Julia and Kelly from Orrick. This session will provide a comprehensive overview of the Act and its implications for building a cyber-resilient business. Learn about the legal and strategic frameworks necessary to ensure your organization can withstand and recover from cyber threats.

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From Concerns to Solutions: An Update on the Cyber Resilience Act with Mike Milinkovich (Eclipse Foundation)

Continue exploring the Cyber Resilience Act with Mike Milinkovich from the Eclipse Foundation. This session will address common concerns and provide practical solutions, offering an update on how the Act is evolving and what it means for your business. Gain insights into the latest developments and how to align your strategies accordingly.

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Major Outages in Major Enterprises with Ram Lakshmanan (CEO at yCrash)

In this session, we will discuss 5 major outages that happened in major enterprises. We will analyze the real thread dumps, heap dumps, GC logs, and other troubleshooting artifacts that were captured at the time of the outage. Arm yourself with invaluable techniques to tackle CPU spikes, OutOfMemoryError, response time degradations, network connectivity issues, and application unresponsiveness with confidence.

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From Threats to Trust: Payara Platform’s Security Advantage with Louise Castens (Payara Product Team)

Wrap up the day with a session focused on the security advantages of the Payara Platform. Discover how Payara’s robust security features and best practices can help you transition from merely managing threats to building trust and confidence in your Java applications. Understand the unique security benefits Payara offers and how to leverage them for your organization’s success.




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