Posts tagged Cloud

Watch On-Demand - Jakarta EE with ARM: Enhance Performance and Efficiency in the Cloud

Want to explore the potential of ARM (Advanced RISC Machine) architecture for your Jakarta EE workload? Our latest webinar 'Jakarta EE with ARM: Enhance Performance and Efficiency in the Cloud' is now available to watch on-demand on

What’s New In the February 2024 Payara Platform Release

We are happy to announce the February 2024 release of Payara Platform Enterprise 6.11.0 (request free trial here) and Payara Platform Community 6.2024.2 (download here) are available!

This month's release comes with a number of enhancements, bug fixes, component upgrades, and new capabilities aimed at improving the stability and developer experience of the Payara Platform for you. See below for the details. 

You Might Not Need Kubernetes. Or Containers.

Kubernetes is a topic that is frequently discussed in the development community, especially as the IT landscape increasingly shifts towards cloud and microservices. However, it’s crucial to evaluate whether it is genuinely indispensable for your environment or just another case of the next 'new and shiny' object capturing attention without substantial benefits. In this blog, we’ll delve into the reasons why Kubernetes might sometimes fall victim to the hype and explore whether it is the right fit for all scenarios. 

Reassessing Native Compilation for Jakarta EE Applications – A Pragmatic Perspective

Java’s Ahead-of-Time (AOT) native compilation, as seen in frameworks like GraalVM, boasts rapid startup times and lower memory usage. However, for Jakarta EE application developers, the practical benefits of these advantages often don’t translate into substantial economic or technical gains. This leads to questioning the viability of investing resources into adapting existing Jakarta EE applications for GraalVM compatibility.

Download the Guide - Reassessing Native Compilation for Jakarta EE Applications: A Pragmatic Perspective

Automated Jakarta EE Cloud Deployments With GitHub Actions And Payara Cloud

Cloud deployment refers to the process of hosting applications on a remote server infrastructure, accessible over the internet. This paradigm has revolutionised software development, offering immense scalability, flexibility, and efficiency. Traditional deployment methods have evolved to embrace modern cloud environments, ranging from Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), where you manage servers but not physical hardware, to Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a Service (SaaS) solutions, which abstract much of the server management and maintenance tasks.

Download the Guide - Automated Jakarta EE Cloud Deployments With GitHub Actions And Payara Cloud

Watch the Recording: Assessing Jakarta EE Cloud Deployment Options in a Cloud Native Era

Are you a Jakarta EE Developer? Are you looking to level up your cloud deployment? You have options! 

In this technical webinar, our expert Luqman Saeed talks you through 3 key options for your cloud deployment with Jakarta EE:

☁️Docker Containers to Azure Web Apps
☁️Jakarta Runtime installation on a virtual machine and app deployment
☁️Fully managed Jakarta EE cloud deployment runtimes

This is also a great webinar if you are curious about Payara Cloud as we are also discussing many different cloud deployment options- if you have heard about our new fully managed cloud native application runtime for Jakarta EE, this your chance to see exactly how it works. 

Try Payara Cloud for Free! No More Training Developers in Kubernetes...

Payara Cloud is our fully-managed cloud native application runtime. 

Unlike building an application server deployment on a Cloud Infrastructure as a Service or on raw Kubernetes, Payara Cloud takes care of provisioning infrastructure, installation, configuration, deployment and scaling of your application. Any web application following the Jakarta Web Profile specification can be uploaded and it will run in a containerized Payara Micro instance.

Deploying to Payara Cloud from a GitHub Action Workflow

Payara Cloud provides an easy-to-use user interface to allow your application to run in a managed cloud environment. While this is very convenient for configuration and troubleshooting work, integration in continuous deployment pipelines calls for something else. Our answer is deploying to Payara Cloud using a GitHub Action Workflow and Payara Cloud Command Line (PCL).