Posts tagged Cloud-native

Getting Started with Payara Cloud: A Step-by-Step Introduction

Are you planning to work with Payara Cloud and look forward to harness its power but don't know where to start? Our platform is extremely intuitive, but to make sure you can get the most out of it, we compiled a Quick Start Guide, written with you in mind. It is your roadmap to navigating this cutting-edge platform and it walks you through the essentials of getting started with Payara Cloud to simplify your journey from signup to deployment.

How Migrating to Payara Cloud Can Boost Your Success

With nearly every activity currently relying on applications, companies are continuously seeking to rapidly innovate, advance and scale their solutions. As these applications grow considerably, traditional on-premises infrastructure may not always be able to meet key operational requirements. In such instances, Cloud-native solutions are ideal, as they can offer scalability, agility and cost-effectiveness.

Let's dig deeper into how Payara Cloud can help you futureproof your Jakarta EE applications and, in turn, enhance your profitability and competitiveness in a fat-moving and demanding marketplace. 

Deploying to Payara Cloud from a GitHub Action Workflow

Payara Cloud provides an easy-to-use user interface to allow your application to run in a managed cloud environment. While this is very convenient for configuration and troubleshooting work, integration in continuous deployment pipelines calls for something else. Our answer is deploying to Payara Cloud using a GitHub Action Workflow and Payara Cloud Command Line (PCL). 

Ignore Infrastructure and Concentrate on Code with Jakarta EE and Payara Cloud

Java EE, now Jakarta EE, makes it possible for developers to focus purely on the development of a Java enterprise application, solving the business logic without needing to think about infrastructure and operations when writing code. Payara Cloud extends this philosophy by also eliminating the need to worry about infrastructure and operations when preparing your application to run in the cloud. Together, Jakarta EE and Payara Cloud let you focus on writing code and delivering solutions to business challenges from the moment you write your first piece of code to the day people are using your application successfully on the cloud.

We are currently offering limited free previews of Payara Cloud to businesses - follow the link below:

Payara at the JakartaOne Livestream

The JakartaOne Livestream is a huge event in the Jakarta EE and MicroProfile calendar. Organised by the Eclipse Foundation, it is a one-day virtual conference for developers and technical business leaders.

It brings insight into the current state and future of Jakarta EE and related technologies focused on developing cloud-native Java applications. 

VIDEO: Adam Bien - The Future is Now (Payara Cloud)

Adam Bien explored the possibilities of Payara Cloud in his recent talk for the 2021 J4K conference! 

He used the Payara Cloud demonstration environment - with the caveat that the user interface is not completed yet - to demonstrate how our next generation application server creates a "serverless" environment; moving the "plumbing behind the scenes" so you only have to worry about selecting your WAR, clicking deploy, and running it on the cloud! 

Official Microsoft Azure Sample for Payara Micro

Payara Server has a strong relationship withMicrosoft Azureand theJava at Microsoft team - and now, there's an official best practice Azure Sample for running Payara MicroonAzure Kubernetes Service(AKS)! 

This is a reaction to more and more Azure customers wanting to run Payara on Azure, with many moving from GlassFishto Payara Micro on AKS. It also precedes the next step for Azure and Payara:  releasingPayara Cloud as a PaaS running on Azure.

Do You Really Need Kubernetes?

These days, it seems Kubernetes is a topic that is never too far from people's lips.  The tool, and the associated tools built around it, are talked about so often it seems it's the only subject important to developers these days - especially as the IT world becomes increasingly orientated towards cloud and microservices.

But in spite of all the conversation around Kubernetes... do you really need Kubernetes for your environment? Or is it just another case of the next 'new and shiny' object,  with people distracted by the novelty and possibility, rather than the facts? In this blog, I'll take a closer look at why Kubernetes might be a case of the hype outweighing the helpfulness in most cases. 

Payara Services Joins MicroProfile Working Group

Payara is pleased to announce that we have joined the MicroProfile Working Group. This builds on our commitment to shaping and improving Enterprise Java for both microservices and monolithic architectures. 

The MicroProfile project was born as a community initiative to optimise Enterprise Java with a microservices standard platform. It joined theEclipse Foundation in 2017, an independent open source software association, with the goal of driving innovation with a vendor-neutral "incubation" environment.

The Eclipse Foundation's MicroProfile Working Group encourages collaboration between participants, working in short cycles to propose and gain approval for new common APIs and functionality - and in turn drawing on the knowledge of a wide variety of different vendors. As one of the contributors, Payara engineers will shape and drive the future of the MicroProfile specifications.

We talked to our Founder and CEO Steve Millidge to find out more about what this means. 

10 Strategies for Developing Reliable Jakarta EE Applications for the Cloud

What happens when an application designed for a small user base needs to be scaled up and moved to the cloud?

It needs to live in a distributed environment: responding to an appropriate number of concurrent user requests per second and ensuring users find the application reliable. 

Though Jakarta EE and Eclipse MicroProfile can help with reliable clustering, there is no standard API in Jakarta EE that defines how clustering should work currently. This might change in the future, but in the meantime, this gap must be filled by DevOps engineers.

In this blog, we will cover 10 technical strategies to deal with clustering challenges when developing Jakarta EE and MicroProfile for cloud environments.