Posts tagged Migration

Ensuring Seamless Operations and Maximum Profitability: Key Insights on Application Server Efficiency and SLAs - Part 1

Robust and efficient application servers are essential for companies relying on software applications, whether these support e-commerce platforms, financial services portals or internal operations.  To help ensure smooth operations, deliver seamless services to users and generate revenue, it’s important that the runtime in place can offer maximum uptime to reduce cost while optimizing performance, profitability and user satisfaction. 

In this blog post, we share insights from industry players on the impact of unexpected application server issues and downtime as well as how to reduce them.   

Migrating from GlassFish 7 to Payara Platform Enterprise

When it comes to choosing an application server for your enterprise environment, it looks like there's plenty of fish in the sea. However, what each type of fish can offer can vary considerably. Hence, selecting the right one is key to improving your business's efficiency, security, scalability and overall success.

If you're currently using GlassFish, it's time to consider casting your net wider and migrating to a more powerful fish, such as Payara Platform Enterprise. Let's explore the key benefits of making this transition and why Payara could be the perfect catch for your application and enterprise needs.

Smooth Transition: Upgrading from WebLogic 14 to Payara Server 6

To remain competitive in a marketplace where competition is fierce, businesses relying on software applications as part of their offering need robust, flexible and efficient application servers. These are key to maximizing the capabilities of their applications, addressing customer needs and maintaining a competitive edge.

How Migrating to Payara Cloud Can Boost Your Success

With nearly every activity currently relying on applications, companies are continuously seeking to rapidly innovate, advance and scale their solutions. As these applications grow considerably, traditional on-premises infrastructure may not always be able to meet key operational requirements. In such instances, Cloud-native solutions are ideal, as they can offer scalability, agility and cost-effectiveness.

Let's dig deeper into how Payara Cloud can help you futureproof your Jakarta EE applications and, in turn, enhance your profitability and competitiveness in a fat-moving and demanding marketplace. 

Upgrading from Payara Enterprise 5 to Payara Enterprise 6 with the Payara Server Upgrade Tool

In a world where technology never sleeps, staying ahead is not just an advantage; it's a necessity.  This is especially true for organisations running enterprise-level applications on Java EE 8 through  Payara Enterprise 5. While this platform has undoubtedly served you well, the release of Jakarta  EE 10 and Payara Enterprise 6 marks the beginning of a new era in Enterprise Java development. 

Join our Webinar: Leave GlassFish Problems Behind: A Guide to Migrating Away From GlassFish

If you’re running GlassFish in your production or development environment and are worried about the lack of support, infrequent application server releases, security issues, lack of bug fixes and patches – then migrating off GlassFish might be the best option for you.

In this webinar (register here), Fabio Turizo (Head of Payara Service Team), together with Jon Weatherhill (Payara Customer Support Team), will explain all the things you need to consider in order to make a migration as smooth as possible.

New Guide: Migrating WebSphere Application Server to Payara

We recently created a new guide to help you move from WebSphere Application Server to Payara Server 5.

Payara is better than WebSphere, for reasons including Payara's more regular releases, greater variety of supported IDEs, a compatible microservices edition (Payara Micro) and varied monitoring options.

Hermes, the logistics provider, is just one company which made the change from WebSphere to Payara Server! 

Benefits of Migrating from Oracle WebLogic 14 to Payara Server Enterprise

Payara Server Enterprise 5 is a cloud-native middleware application platform supporting mission critical production systems with reliable and secure deployments of Jakarta EE (Java EE) applications on premise, in the cloud, or hybrid environments. If you’ve been running WebLogic in production but are struggling with an infrequent release schedule, bug fixes, and patches - or if you want support for Eclipse MicroProfile, you’ll benefit from migrating from WebLogic to Payara Server Enterprise.