Posts tagged Digital Transformation

Series: What’s Stopping Businesses from Application Server Migrations: Insights From Industry Players - Part 2

Migration Hesitation: Why Fear and Stagnation May Be Costing Your Business More Than You Think

There is no doubt that moving mission-critical applications to a new runtime environment is no small task. The fear of disruption, cost overruns and unknown risks often leads businesses to avoid necessary changes, even when the current system is far from optimal.

In the blog series ‘What’s Stopping Businesses from Application Server Migrations – Insights from Industry Players’ we explore one the reasons behind this hesitation and the real costs associated with migration fears. In the first blog post, we covered the fear of the unknown and business disruptions. In this second episode, we look at the fear of migration costs. In effect, as many business leaders reveal, the perceived financial risks often can overshadow the potential long-term benefits of moving to a different application server.

Addressing the Application Server Needs of the Logistics Sector - Here's What Industry Experts Say

As the international trade volume and the e-commerce sector continue to surge, the global logistics industry is experiencing unprecedented growth. To address the needs of a rapidly expanding and demanding user base, logistics companies are investing in software applications that can support faster and more transparent delivery services. For enterprise logistics apps to function seamlessly, the use of a robust and reliable application server is a must to remain competitive.

Learn what Roman Zrazhevskiy, Founder and CEO of MIRA Safety, Sergey Taver, Marketing Manager of Precision Watches have to say about application runtimes for e-commerce and logistics and why Hermes and DPD choose Payara Platform.