Posts tagged Payara Support

Ensuring Seamless Operations and Maximum Profitability: Key Insights on Application Server Efficiency and SLAs - Part 1

Robust and efficient application servers are essential for companies relying on software applications, whether these support e-commerce platforms, financial services portals or internal operations.  To help ensure smooth operations, deliver seamless services to users and generate revenue, it’s important that the runtime in place can offer maximum uptime to reduce cost while optimizing performance, profitability and user satisfaction. 

In this blog post, we share insights from industry players on the impact of unexpected application server issues and downtime as well as how to reduce them.   

How Rakuten Card is Driving Innovation with Payara Platform in a Traditionally Conservative Japanese Tech Culture

Arshal Ameen, the application architect atRakuten Card - the number one credit card issuer in Japan- recently spoke at the 2019 Kafka Summit. His talk focused on how Rakuten Card is driving innovation in a traditionally conservative Japanese tech culture and how Payara Enterprise Support is helping out on this journey. He also shares further information about the company’s future plans for its Payara environment.

Payara Enterprise Support Success Story: JDBC Connection Pool Behaviour

As part of the Payara Enterprise Support services that we deliver to customers on a daily basis, giving expert advice and clarifying how the internals of the products of the Payara Platform work is one of the most common scenarios we encounter. Here's' a story about the advice we gave to one of our customers regarding the behavior of JDBC Connection Pools in Payara Server.

Swisscom Relied on Payara Support Services to Migrate from GlassFish to Payara Server

When a leading telecoms company in Switzerland, Swisscom, transitioned to Payara Server from GlassFish for their mission critical applications, they found the migration easy and without problems. In fact, having Payara Enterprise Support meant Swisscom had access to a customer-only build which shortened the time to getting a fix to test by two months and 24x7 access to Payara engineers.

Benefits of Proactive Support Through Payara Enterprise vs. Reactive Support

Have you ever been in a situation where something not-so-good happened, and you looked back and said “man, I wish I had….” Most of us can think of a time in our lives when we had the opportunity to prevent an undesirable outcome by acting – and didn’t. For example, have you ever planned a trip and declined the purchase of travel insurance, only to find out you have to cancel the trip? You wished you had paid the extra expense to get the insurance, right? Many businesses find themselves in a similar situation when they take a reactive approach to their IT support needs, waiting until a problem presents itself before finding the resources to solve it. Unfortunately, this reactive response to support ends up costing you more in downtime, resources, efficiency and money in the long run.

Understanding Payara Services OpenJDK Support Benefits

Starting this year, customers that come on board with our support services also have access to commercial OpenJDK support included, thanks to the partnership between Payara Services and Azul Systems' Enterprise Support! If you are interested in Payara Enterprise or our Migration & Project Support but are hesitating and have some doubts about what value this service brings to your organization and environment, this article may help dispel them and give you much needed decision-making clarity.