Posts tagged GlassFish

Join Live Webinar - GlassFish to Payara Platform Migration Roadmap

Are you currently using GlassFish 7 and considering a migration to Payara Server? This webinar will provide a comprehensive high-level roadmap for your transition, ensuring a smooth migration process and taking full advantage of the full potential of your Jakarta EE applications running on Payara Server.

GlassFish to Payara Platform Migration Roadmap

Wednesday, the 14th of August 2pm BST


Migrating from GlassFish 7 to Payara Platform Enterprise

When it comes to choosing an application server for your enterprise environment, it looks like there's plenty of fish in the sea. However, what each type of fish can offer can vary considerably. Hence, selecting the right one is key to improving your business's efficiency, security, scalability and overall success.

If you're currently using GlassFish, it's time to consider casting your net wider and migrating to a more powerful fish, such as Payara Platform Enterprise. Let's explore the key benefits of making this transition and why Payara could be the perfect catch for your application and enterprise needs.

Join our Webinar: Leave GlassFish Problems Behind: A Guide to Migrating Away From GlassFish

If you’re running GlassFish in your production or development environment and are worried about the lack of support, infrequent application server releases, security issues, lack of bug fixes and patches – then migrating off GlassFish might be the best option for you.

In this webinar (register here), Fabio Turizo (Head of Payara Service Team), together with Jon Weatherhill (Payara Customer Support Team), will explain all the things you need to consider in order to make a migration as smooth as possible.

Are GlassFish and Payara Server the Same?

When commercial support for GlassFish ended in 2014, Payara Server was created from the open source code as a fully supported drop-in replacement for GlassFish.  

Payara Services was born in 2016 to offer support solutions for Payara Server. By 2017, Payara Services had joined The Eclipse Foundation and the Payara Platform expanded to include Payara Micro and comprehensive commercial support options for development projects, in-production support, and consultancy solutions.  New product features and the development of the Payara Platform evolves and is improved upon with each monthly release, and while the application server was originally derived from GlassFish and shares many similarities - the two products are not the same. 

GlassFish 6.1 Should Not Be Used In Production: Here’s Why

Earlier this week, Jakarta EE 9.1 was released. This is an update to Jakarta EE 9, adding support for JDK 11 - you can read more about it in our bloghere.

Alongside the Jakarta EE 9.1 release, GlassFish 6.1 has been released as a Compatible Implementation

However, although GlassFish is still used by many - a legacy of the time it was supported by Oracle - we would argue it is NOT a good choice for running your enterprise applications in production.

If you are considering updating to more recent GlassFish versions, it might be better to consider more reliable, supported, and up-to-date alternatives. In this blog, I explain why GlassFish 6.x is not the best choice for your mission critical deployments.

Back to Basics – アプリケーションをPayara Server / GlassFish 4.1にデプロイする方法

このブログはBack to Basics シリーズの第2回です。

Webアプリケーションを実行するには、まずPayara Serverのようなアプリケーション・サーバーにデプロイしなければなりません。Webアプリケーションにおけるデプロイとは、アプリケーションをサーバー上にインストールすることをいいます。これによりリクエストの処理などを行うことができます。このガイドでは、アプリケーションを実行するためのいくつかの異なる方法をご紹介します。