Posts tagged Connection Pools

Enhanced EJB Pool Controls in Payara Server

In prior releases of Payara Server, it was not possible to control the maximum number of concurrent Stateless EJB instances in Payara Server. It was, however, possible to control the number of pooled Stateless EJB instances, as well as concurrent MDB instances. These features were available in Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1 and earlier but not in the GlassFish Open Source editions (3.1.2.x and 4.x).

In the current release of Payara Server (171), it is now possible to limit concurrent Stateless EJB instances that are dispatched, allowing fine-grained control of resources, limiting surface area for DDOS attacks and making applications run more smoothly and efficiently.


Una introducción a los pools de conexiones en Payara Server

En este articulo vamos a realizar una introducción general a los pools de conexiones y las mejores practicas de configuración para Payara Server.


Qué es un pool de conexiones?

Un pool de conexiones es un almacén de conexiones de bases de datos relacionales que se pueden utilizar y, más importante, reutilizar para conectar a una base de datos relacional.


See here for the original version in English language.