Posts tagged OpenJDK

Payara Platform and Amazon Corretto

Amazon Corretto is a distribution of the Open Java Development Kit (OpenJDK) provided by Amazon. It's free to use, comes with long-term support, is production-ready and supported in multiple platforms, which means that it can run in the cloud, on-premise, and on your local machine. With Corretto, you can run Payara on popular operating systems, including Linux, Windows and macOS. It is certified using Java Technical Compatibility Kit (TCK) to meet Java SE standard and can be used as a drop-in replacement for most JDK distributions. 

OpenJDK Support FAQs

As of this month, there will no longer be any public JDK 8 releases. This means that security fixes won't be publicly accessible. A Payara support contract lets you take advantage of Payara's partnership with Azul, providing you with access to Zulu Enterprise. This means that you will have access to all future JDK 8 security fixes. Below are some common questions we receive regarding Zulu Enterprise and how it works with a Payara support contract.


Securing Payara Server and Payara Micro with a Supported JDK

As you probably already know, Oracle decided to stop providing public updates for Oracle Java Development Kit 8 (JDK 8) in January 2019. Public updates and security fixes will be provided by Oracle only for the latest version of Oracle JDK, for 6 months until the next new version. While personal users will still continue to get updates for Oracle JDK 8 until December 2020, commercial companies that plan to use it after January 2019 will either need to become Oracle customers or switch to a JDK 8 distribution supported by someone else to receive regular updates with critical and security fixes.


Understanding Payara Services OpenJDK Support Benefits

Starting this year, customers that come on board with our support services also have access to commercial OpenJDK support included, thanks to the partnership between Payara Services and Azul Systems' Enterprise Support! If you are interested in Payara Enterprise or our Migration & Project Support but are hesitating and have some doubts about what value this service brings to your organization and environment, this article may help dispel them and give you much needed decision-making clarity.