Read the Payara Platform Survey 2023!

Photo of Priya Khaira-Hanks by Priya Khaira-Hanks

It's time to launch the results of our Payara Platform Survey, 2023.

We recently reached 150,000 monthly users, so it was time to take stock of this vast global community.

We asked questions about Payara Platform, Jakarta EE and Java. What improvements do you want? What versions are your favourites? What IDEs, cloud vendors, databases and more are the most popular? 

The results make for fascinating reading, with your preferred stack choices surprising lots of our Payara engineers. Read the report to find out if your organisation is in line with the wider community.

Key findings include:

Start with Application Servers, Start with Payara Platform 

More developers are moving to Payara Platform as their first application server! 

Cloud ISN'T Everything 

The number of respondents NOT using a public cloud platform has massively increased...

Leaping to the Latest LTS 

We were surprised that a huge 42% of you were on the very latest LTS release (at time of survey.)

Embracing Payara 6

Already, so many of you have moved to the latest Jakarta EE 10 compatible Payara Platform version!

Make sure you dive into the numbers in the full survey:

Read the Survey Report

Platform Survey Sept 23_Page_01

Want to learn more about the future of Payara Platform? We'll be presenting our 2024 Roadmap at our Virtual Payara Conference on December 14th - make sure you sign up!

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