Posts tagged Healthcheck

Utilising MicroProfile Healthchecks in a Cloud Environment

MicroProfile Health is an API designed specifically for use in cloud and containerized environments, where you want to quickly determine if an instance of an application is unhealthy and restart it. How exactly do you use it though? In this session, I’ll run through how to add some health checks to your application, and how to configure a number of cloud providers and containers to effectively use them to restart your application instances.

The Health Check Service In-Depth - Payara Server 5

This is an updated blog of the original which was published in May 2016

Payara Server provides the Health Check Service for automatic self-monitoring in order to detect future problems as soon as possible. When enabled, the Health Check Service periodically checks some low level metrics. Whenever it detects that a threshold is not met, it triggers alert notifications that allow to detect undesired behavior and predict possible failures. All of these automatic checks are very lightweight and run with a negligible impact on performance.

New Feature of Payara Platform 5.184: Automated Health Check Checker

There has been a lot of noise around MicroProfile for quite a while now, and one of the specs provided by MicroProfile are Health Checks. The aim of this spec is to allow you to write a number of health checks that will run when you hit a specific endpoint, the intention being that this endpoint can be periodically poked by a container orchestrator to determine if an instance is responsive and healthy.

Introducing the Stuck Threads HealthCheck in Payara Server 173

Since being introduced in the 163 release, the Request Tracing Service has allowed you to see which requests are taking a long time. However, this service will only tell you about requests once they have completed. If a thread is stuck and unable to complete you will not know about it. To resolve that problem, we added the Stuck Threads HealthCheck to Payara Server, which checks for requests that have not finished and outputs their stack trace.

What's new in Payara Server & Payara Micro 173?

Payara Server and Payara Micro are now available for download! With  58 bug fixes, 30 improvements, 2 security fixes and 5 component upgrades (  see the release notes  for more), t his release sees a number of new features focused on making your life easier, whether you're in development or operations. 

What's new in Payara Server & Payara Micro 173?

Payara Server および Payara Micro が ダウンロード できるようになりました。58 のバグフィックス、30 のエンハンス、2 つのセキュリティー・フィックス、5 つのコンポーネントのアップグレードを含んでいます (詳しくは リリースノート をご覧ください)。このリリースでは開発と運用の双方で便利になる機能に焦点を当てています。

Qué novedades trae Payara Server & Payara Micro 173?

Payara Server y Payara Micro están ahora disponibles para descarga! Con 58 bugs corregidos, 30 mejoras, 2 correcciones de seguridad y 5 actualizaciones de componentes (ver las notas de publicación para más detalles), esta publicación comprende un número de nuevas características enfocadas en hacerte la vida más fácil, ya sea que seas desarrollador o pertenezcas al personal de operaciones.