Posts tagged Batch Processing

A Quick Guide to Enterprise Batch Processing With Jakarta EE

Batch processing plays a crucial role in the operation of enterprise applications, facilitating the efficient handling of large volumes of data. Whether it's inventory management, payroll processing, report generation or data migration, batch processing streamlines tasks and enhances operational efficiency. Here's a glimpse of what we cover in our latest document "A Quick Guide to Enterprise Batch Processing With Jakarta EE"!

Enterprise Batch Processing with Jakarta Batch - Part 3

In the journey through our Jakarta Batch blog series (see Part 1 here and Part 2 here) , we've taken a deep dive into the architecture of batch jobs, the inner workings of chunks, and the best practices for optimising their processing. Now, it's time to shed light on the less-discussed but equally vital aspect of batch processing: the task-oriented approach, specifically the role of batchlets in Jakarta Batch jobs. We'll also explore how to effectively monitor and manage batch job lifecycles to maintain efficiency and reliability.

Enterprise Batch Processing with Jakarta Batch - Part 1

Batch processing is an integral part of enterprise applications. Reading, processing and storing vast amounts of data is mostly suited to batch processing runtimes that are optimized for such workloads. Inventory processing, payroll, report generation, invoice/statement generation, data migration, data conversion among others are all tasks that are suitable to batch processing.

Batch processing typically involves breaking data loads to be processed into smaller "chunks," which are also broken down into even smaller units for processing. The batch processing is then carried out on a single unit of the data, one at a time, without any human intervention. This makes the processing of a significantly large amount of data very efficient and fast. Batch processing can also be parallelized to take advantage of the hardware capabilities of the underlying computer. 

This blog series will show you how to create batch processing tasks on the Jakarta EE Platform. The blog is broken down into a series of posts, each blog covering a specific part of the batch specification. This blog introduces you to the Jakarta Batch specification and gives a high level overview of what constitutes a batch task.