Posts tagged Docker

Easy Jakarta EE Integration Testing with the Payara Platform and Testcontainers

One major issue when developing modern enterprise applications is the "works on my machine" problem: when an application works well on your machine but is not functional in production or even on a colleague's machine. An even more prevalent problem is to maintain the quality of ever-changing applications during development and maintenance. 

This is especially prevalent when Jakarta EE applications are developed and not properly tested in an isolated and cohesive manner. Proper integration testing helps to avoid both the "works on my machine" problem, and ensures developers can change the application effectively without breaking it. However often teams struggle with it, due to a lack of standardized testing solutions and the unpredictability of real-world conditions. 

Here, I present an effective method for Jakarta EE integration testing, using Payara Platform and Testcontainers in my example.

Payara Micro 5によるUber JARの作成

Payara Microでは、Webアプリケーションを自己完結型で簡単に実行することができます。20165月のPayara Serverリリースからは、WARファイルの内容とPayara Microを構成するクラスやリソースを束ねる “Uber JAR” を作成する簡単な方法があります。

この “Uber” Jarは、Dockerコンテナ内でアプリケーションを実行するための最良の方法ではないことに注意してください。アプリケーションに小さなコード変更を加えるたびに、バイナリ全体のアップデートが必要になるためです。より良い方法は、Payara Microインスタンスを起動して、インストールが必要なアプリケーションを指定することです。詳細については Payara Micro Docker Image documentation をご覧ください。

(最終更新日 2021/04/06)

Deploy Docker Containers On Azure


Several Cloud Providers have the possibility to run your Payara Platform Docker Images on their infrastructure. In this blog, I will describe to you how you can run your application on Microsoft Azure using a Docker Container. All the steps required to perform this are described using the Azure Portal (web-based application) and the Azure Command line.

What Is Kubernetes and How Does It Relate to Docker?

Kubernetes is most commonly used with Docker managed containers, although it doesn't strictly depend on it. Kubernetes defines a Container Runtime Interface (CRI) that container platforms must implement in order to be compatible. These implementations are colloquially known as "shims". This makes Kubernetes platform agnostic so that instead of Docker you're free to use other platforms with corresponding shims, such as CRI-O or KataContainers.

Why Use Docker with Payara Platform? Benefits for your Business

There's a lot of noise revolving around Docker at the moment, and with the current industry focus on the cloud, there's a good reason for that.


I hope you would already know why you might want to use Payara Platform in your business, so in this blog I'm going to focus more on why you'd specifically want to use it with Docker in a "business" context. For a start, if you're unfamiliar with Docker, please refer back to our introductory blog: What is Docker and How is it Used with the Payara Platform for a primer.