Posts tagged JDK 11

How to Update An Application Using JAXB from JDK 8 to JDK 11

The Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) framework is used to easily convert between XML and Java class instances.  You just have to define some annotations on the Java classes and properties and the framework uses those definitions to convert between them. But is also heavily used within the Java EE specification Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) that implements the support for SOAP messages within Java Enterprise.

Payara Platform and Amazon Corretto

Amazon Corretto is a distribution of the Open Java Development Kit (OpenJDK) provided by Amazon. It's free to use, comes with long-term support, is production-ready and supported in multiple platforms, which means that it can run in the cloud, on-premise, and on your local machine. With Corretto, you can run Payara on popular operating systems, including Linux, Windows and macOS. It is certified using Java Technical Compatibility Kit (TCK) to meet Java SE standard and can be used as a drop-in replacement for most JDK distributions. 

JDK 11 Support Available in Payara Platform 5.194

As you may have heard, Payara Platform 5.194 is now released! And with a boatload of new features, improvements and bug fixes, it also marks JDK 11 support coming out of tech preview! With much excitement from users, JDK 11 support has been in technical preview since 5.192.