Posts tagged Payara Micro (7)

MicroProfile Talks at Devoxx: Videos

Recently we shared a blog about Ondrej's talk prepared for Code One and Devoxx conferences: Be Reactive and Micro with a MicroProfile Stack. Now, we have his video so you can watch the talk as if you were there! We also enjoyed several other MicroProfile related talks at Devoxx and wanted to share some of those as well. See below for a talk about Jakarta EE MicroProfile WebStandards by Adam Bien, a Java EE/Jakarta EE and MicroProfile discussion with Sebastian Daschner, and a talk about Securing Microservices from Emily Jiang.



Payara Platform on Microsoft Azure: Accessing SQL Databases

Microsoft Azure provides fully managed Cloud SQL databases for use by your Azure hosted cloud services. Payara® Micro is built to be the best runtime for Cloud Native Java EE and MicroProfile applications. Here’s how to rapidly create a REST web service that retrieves data from an Azure SQL Database and returns it as JSON.

Microservices for Java EE Developers (Japanese)

今日、マイクロサービスのコンセプトは単に新しいだけではなくなっています。DevOpsの登場、コンテナ技術ブーム、デプロイ自動化ツールによって、マイクロサービスは開発者が手掛けるアプリケーションの構造を変えつつあります。マイクロサービスはJava EE開発者にとっていかにして有効な選択肢となり得るのか、そしてPayara Microとそれが提供する完璧なプラットフォームによってどのようなメリットが得られるのかについてみてゆきましょう。


New Feature in Payara Server & Payara Micro 5.182: MicroProfile OpenTracing


The 5.182 release of Payara Server & Payara Micro (Payara Platform) brings in MicroProfile (MP) 1.3. This introduces a couple of updates to some existing MP specifications, and three new ones: OpenTracing, OpenAPI, and Type-safe REST Client. In this blog I’ll be covering our implementation of OpenTracing.