Posts tagged Payara Platform 5 (3)

Prevent Command Execution Failures using Dynamic Instance Naming

When creating instances, it can sometimes be a chore remembering what names are already in use or even coming up with a name to use in the first place!  The Dynamic Instance Naming feature, sometimes called auto-naming, introduces a new option to the create-instance & create-local-instance commands that, when enabled, will resolve any name conflicts or generate a name for you.

Request Tracing in Payara Platform 5.192

Request tracing has been a feature in Payara Platform for a number of years now, and over time it has evolved and changed in a number of ways. The crux of what the feature is remains the same, however: tracing requests through various parts of your applications and the Payara Platform to provide details about their travels.

Certificate Realm Changes in Payara Server 5.192

What is a Security Realm?

A security realm in Payara Server is a component used to authenticate users. Despite all the complicated terminology used in Java EE security, which is not helped by different application servers having their own terminology to describe the same thing, that's fundamentally all it is. The 'certificate' realm is a Payara Platform-specific component used to authenticate users using a certificate store. This will be used, for example, in client certificate authentication.

Using Jakarta Security on Tomcat and the Payara Platform

Java EE Security API is one of the new APIs in Java EE 8. With Java EE currently being transferred and rebranded to Jakarta EE, this API will soon be rebranded to Jakarta Security, which is the term we'll use in this article. Jakarta Security is part of the Jakarta APIs, included and active in the Payara Platform by default with no configuration required in order to use it. With some effort, Jakarta Security can be used with Tomcat, as well.