Payara Platform 5.192 is Compatible with MicroProfile 2.2

Photo of Jan Bernitt by Jan Bernitt

The Payara Platform 5.192 release comes with an update to MicroProfile. Compared to  MicroProfile 2.1, four components were updated in MicroProfile 2.2:

More Detailed Fault Tolerance Semantics

The semantics of how multiple  fault tolerance annotations interact with each other have been further clarified and defined in greater detail in version 2.0 leading to implementation changes. In summary: All annotations can be used individually or can be combined with any other. The semantic nesting is (outer to inner): @Asynchronous, @Fallback, @Retry, @CircuitBreaker, @Timeout, @Bulkhead.


Dynamic Configuration Validation

In addition to fault tolerance annotation validation performed on application deployment overrides done at runtime via properties are also validated. In Payara Platform, fault tolerance configurations are now cached and may take up to a minute before changes become effective. Invalid configurations are rejected and lead to normal execution of the method until the configuration is corrected.


Configurable Alternative @Asynchronous Annotations

A new Payara Platform specific feature allows to set one or more annotations that should mark asynchronous methods in the same way methods annotated with FT's own @Asychronous annotation are. The alternative annotations are set as comma separate list of their fully qualified class names for the property MP_Fault_Tolerance_Alternative_Asynchronous_Annotations. Any annotation accessible at runtime can be used. We decided to add this feature since asynchronous execution as cross-cutting concern has been part of other commonly used standards, libraries and frameworks which sometimes define a comparable annotation.


Configurable Interceptor Priority

The property mp.fault.tolerance.interceptor.priority can now be used to override the base priority for the fault tolerance interceptor(s). It applies to all fault tolerance annotations likewise as all of them are handled by a single interceptor. This includes the alternative annotations mentioned above.


Support for PATCH Method

In version 1.1 of OpenAPI the annotation now can be used to mark methods responding to a HTTP PATCH method request.


A More Flexible and Type-Safe OpenAPI Model

A variety of methods were added to the OpenAPI model to compose documents in a more flexible and type-safe way. For model objects that also are maps the generic Map methods like get, put or contains were deprecated in favour of new type-safe methods get<Item>, remote<Item>, has<Item> which use a typed key instead of the Object key parameter typical for methods of Map. Overall the model was developed more towards composition over inheritance. Now deprecated methods originating from the inheritance paradigm might be removed in future releases.


Improved HTTP Header Support for Rest Clients

Payara Platform implements the 1.2.0 version of RestClient based on the Jersey. Now the new @ClientHeaderParam annotation can be used on client interface methods specifying name and value of headers not defined by the called endpoint interface method. To dynamically compute the value of the value attribute the attribute can refer to a default or accessible static method by its name in curly braces: {generatorMethodName}.


New API to Customise Rest Clients

To provide common REST clients settings or custom behaviour a RestClientListener can be configured using the ServiceLocator mechanism. Its onNewClient method is called with the client interface and RestClientBuilder instance allowing general customisation of REST clients.


Context Provides Invoked Rest Client Method

The ClientRequestContext passed to both ClientRequestFilter and ClientResponseFilter implementations now provides the java.lang.reflect.Method instance currently being invoked when looked up using context.getProperty("").


@Traced for Rest Client Methods

Last but not least, the new version of OpenTracing allows using the @Traced annotation on REST client interface methods.


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