Posts tagged Payara Enterprise (4)
Need Stable Payara 5? Payara 5 Community is No Longer The Answer!
Published on 20 Jun 2023
by Priya Khaira-Hanks
Payara Enterprise
Do any of these situations sound familiar to you and your business?
Need stable Payara 5. I am using latest community version.
I am using Payara 5 Community Edition and I plan to upgrade to Payara 5 Enterprise Edition.
What would be the costs?
We are using Payara Version 5.2022.5 and for some of our customers we want to move to Payara Enterprise to be up-to-date with current security patches.
We are currently using the Community edition of Payara and would like to stay with Payara 5. How much do the enterprise licenses cost to continue to do this?
I currently use Payara 5 Community and have done for many years. Payara 6 Community uses Java 11 but my product doesn't currently work with Java 11 so I would like to understand the cost of Payara 5 Enterprise.
Our inbox is full of messages like these! Sounds familiar? It might be time to move to Payara 5 Enterprise.
Payara Enterprise Success Story: Origin Intergrated Studios
Published on 12 May 2023
by Dominika Tasarz
Payara Support,
Payara Enterprise
Payara 6 Enterprise Release - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Published on 30 Mar 2023
by Luqman Saeed
Payara Enterprise
What Java Versions and Tools Do Payara Users Prefer?
Published on 05 Jan 2023
by Priya Khaira-Hanks
Payara Enterprise,
Payara Community,
Jakarta EE
Using Payara Platform? You might be interested in what tools, OpenJDK versions and Jakarta EE releases our global community choose!
We regularly conduct surveys to learn what technologies are most commonly used with Payara Platform, so we can work on our integrations and plug-ins.
This survey was promoted in October/November 2022 via social media, emails, blogs and our Payara Forum.
How Does Payara 6 Affect Your Application’s Future?
Published on 03 May 2022
by Priya Khaira-Hanks
Payara Enterprise
The release of Payara 6 Community in a few weeks will be a turning point for many of our users. It's important you review all possibilities in advance. Consider migration to be supported, secure and maintain peace of mind!
We recommend moving to Payara Enterprise, which we consider the most cost-effective and business-savvy choice. In this blog we explain 5 different scenarios.
What's New in the October 2021 Payara Platform Release?
Published on 20 Oct 2021
by Debbie Hoffman
What's New,
New Releases,
Payara Enterprise
The October 2021 Payara Platform release is here! Payara Platform Enterprise 5.32.0 includes 8 improvements, 9 bug fixes, 1 security fix, and 5 component upgrades. The Payara Platform Community 5.2021.8 release offers 7 improvements, 7 bug fixes, 1 security fix, and 5 component upgrades.
You can download Payara Platform Community 5.2021.8here and request Payara Platform Enterprise 5.32.0 here.
And don't forget to join the 'October Release Overview + Client Certificate Authentication and Security Realms in Payara' webinar with Rudy De Busscher on October 26th 2021 3 PM BST. Find out more & registerhere.
We also invite you to participate in the Payara Platform Survey- for your chance to win one of two $25 Amazon vouchers. The survey is mostly multiple choice and takes about 6 minutes to complete. Thank you!
Read more below to learn more about the highlights of this release.
Real-World Use Case: Robust and Flexible Batch Processing with Payara Platform
Published on 09 Sep 2021
by Ondro Mihályi
Payara Enterprise,
domain data grid,
use case
One of the Payara Platform features people like most is flexibility for how it can run applications and services and connect them to each other. You can run applications on Payara Server, Payara Micro, and cluster them all together in the same Domain Data Grid, while using the same technology for building the applications and the samefeatures in both Payara Platform runtimes. A lot of our customers take advantage of this flexibility and some even take to the extreme, as described below.
Are GlassFish and Payara Server the Same?
Published on 16 Jun 2021
by Debbie Hoffman
GlassFish Migration,
Payara Enterprise
When commercial support for GlassFish ended in 2014, Payara Server was created from the open source code as a fully supported drop-in replacement for GlassFish.
Payara Services was born in 2016 to offer support solutions for Payara Server. By 2017, Payara Services had joined The Eclipse Foundation and the Payara Platform expanded to include Payara Micro and comprehensive commercial support options for development projects, in-production support, and consultancy solutions. New product features and the development of the Payara Platform evolves and is improved upon with each monthly release, and while the application server was originally derived from GlassFish and shares many similarities - the two products are not the same.
Upgrade Tool V1.3 in Payara Server Enterprise
Published on 09 Apr 2021
by Debbie Hoffman
New Releases,
Payara Enterprise,
Upgrade Tool
In January 2021 we introduced the Upgrade Tool as a minimally viable product (MVP) for Payara Server Enterprise users to make the process of upgrading from one version of Payara Server Enterprise to the next faster and easier. Each release since then has offered improvements to the tool.
Additional MicroProfile Config Sources Added in Payara Platform Enterprise 5.26.0
Published on 10 Mar 2021
by Debbie Hoffman and Rudy De Busscher
New Releases,
Payara Enterprise
The March Payara Platform Enterprise Edition release (request here) includes 3 bug fixes, 4 improvements, and 7 additional MicroProfile Config Sources. You can see a more detailed overview of the fixes, improvements, and new features included in Payara Platform Enterprise Edition 5.26.0 in the Release Notes here.
Configuration of applications should not be done within the application itself, but externally. We’ve expanded the sources from where the configuration values could be read to support third-party configuration services and cloud providers in the March Payara Enterprise release: