What’s New In The Nov 2023 Payara Platform Release?

Photo of Luqman Saeed by Luqman Saeed

Splashing onto the scene with a tidal wave of updates, the November 2023 release of Payara Platform is here. This release brings enhancements, security fixes, and bug fixes, ensuring a more robust and efficient environment for your mission critical workload. Payara Enterprise 6.8.0 comes with 4 improvements, 3 bug fixes, 1 security fix and 1 component upgrade. Payara Community 6.2023.11 also comes with 4 improvements, 3 bug fixes, 1 security fix and 1 component upgrade.

Key Improvements

Payara Micro "Warmup" Command

The start-domain command now features the –warmup flag, ensuring the command terminates after the post-boot commands have been completed (assuming there is no application available for being deployed yet). This ensures that a server domain’s setup works correctly without the need to have the server running.

Enhanced Domain Management

We've introduced individual timeout options for Start, Stop, and Restart Domains commands. This enhancement provides finer control over domain operations, allowing for more flexibility and reliability in managing your server instances.

Docker JDK Updates

Both versions see an update in Docker JDK versions. These updates ensure that the Payara Platform remains secure, stable, and in line with current JDK releases.

Security and Stability at the Forefront

Addressing CVE-2023-41699

A significant security fix addresses the CVE-2023-41699 vulnerability, safeguarding against URL redirection to untrusted sites. Ensuring the security of our users' applications is a top priority for us.

Resolving Critical Bugs

We've tackled crucial bugs, including fixing EclipseLink L2 Caching NullPointer Exception and Deadlock, as well as resolving the "Cannot Load Custom Realm Class" error on Windows. These fixes enhance the stability and reliability of the Payara Server.

Component Upgrades

Upgrading the Maven Bundle Plugin to 5.1.9 is part of our continuous effort to keep the platform's components up-to-date, ensuring compatibility and performance improvements.

Payara Starter 

This month, alongside the release, we also also bring a very exciting new option for generating your projects! 

Payara Starter is a source code generator to create new Payara Server or Payara Micro projects. It allows you to quickly and easily start with Payara Platform!

Take advantage of customisation options: select your chosen JDK versions, Jakarta EE profiles, build tools, Docker support, and more. Payara Starter will also streamline your project by integrating with popular IDEs.

Simply select your options, and click ‘Generate’ - and Payara Platform is ready to use.

Payara Starter

Virtual Payara Conference

Register for our Virtual Payara Conference: Empowering Enterprise Innovation with Jakarta EE

Thursday, 14th December 2023, 11am - 5:30pm GMT

Join our free virtual conference, where you can pick the events you want to attend, at: https://www.crowdcast.io/c/virtualpayaraconference 

We now have the full schedule livehere, read to find out about our top speakers and Jakarta EE talks.  Conference sessions will include the Payara Platform 2024 roadmap,  Java ChampionMichael Redlichon the future of Jakarta EE and RedMonk Co-FounderJames Governor on why Java ISN'T dead. 


Downloads and Release Notes

Payara Platform Enterprise 6.8.0 and Payara Platform Enterprise Edition 5.57.0 (Try for freehere)

Payara Community 6.2023.11 (downloadhere)

See a more detailed overview of the fixes and improvements in the Release Notes:

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