Posts tagged Maven

Stratospheric Developer Productivity - Unveiling Payara Dev Mode

Development productivity is crucial in Enterprise Java and Jakarta EE application development, supporting the delivery of high-quality software solutions quickly and efficiently. As a result, it is necessary to focus on streamlining development processes, optimizing resource utilization and empowering developers to work more effectively. Payara Micro Maven Plugin, Version 1, introduces a powerful tool – Dev Mode – designed to supercharge your development experience with Payara Micro. 

In our latest User Guide - available to download here - we look at this plugin, exploring its features, configurations and usage to help developers unlock stratospheric levels of productivity.

A Smooth Transition to Tomorrow: Unveiling the Upgrade Adviser Tool for Jakarta EE 10

One of the most daunting tasks organizations face is keeping pace with fast evolving technological landscapes, while ensuring existing applications remain robust and functional. If you're still running applications on Java EE 7/8,  the release of Jakarta EE 10 sets the upgrade clock ticking. Of course you can keep running such applications with a Payara Enterprise 5 plan. However, if you need to upgrade to take advantage of the many new features in Jakarta EE 10, then read on!

Payara Micro 5によるUber JARの作成

Payara Microでは、Webアプリケーションを自己完結型で簡単に実行することができます。20165月のPayara Serverリリースからは、WARファイルの内容とPayara Microを構成するクラスやリソースを束ねる “Uber JAR” を作成する簡単な方法があります。

この “Uber” Jarは、Dockerコンテナ内でアプリケーションを実行するための最良の方法ではないことに注意してください。アプリケーションに小さなコード変更を加えるたびに、バイナリ全体のアップデートが必要になるためです。より良い方法は、Payara Microインスタンスを起動して、インストールが必要なアプリケーションを指定することです。詳細については Payara Micro Docker Image documentation をご覧ください。

(最終更新日 2021/04/06)

Payara for Beginners - Payara ServerをNetBeansに追加する

Payara Server上でアプリをテストする時、IDEと連携してアプリをテストできるようにしておくと非常に便利です (そもそも、そのためのIDEですが)。もしNetBeansを使用しているのなら非常に簡単に実現できます。このブログではPayara ServerをNetBeansにセットアップしてWebアプリを実行するための手順をご紹介します。


Payara para principiantes: Añadir Payara Server a NetBeans

Cuando estás probando una aplicación para ejecutarla en Payara Server, continuamente probar la aplicación desde tu IDE es extremadamente util (ese es su proposito, despues de todo). Si estás utilizando NetBeans esto es muy sencillo. Sigue los pasos de este blog para configurar Payara Server en NetBeans para ejecutar tus aplicaciones web.

Deploying to Payara Server Using the Maven Cargo Plugin

When creating a Java EE application it is important to deploy and test it on a server that is as close to the target production environment as possible. If you use Maven in your project, it is possible to do so using the Cargo plugin, which allows you to deploy an application to an instance of Payara Server either locally or remotely. A complete example is available at

Speed up Microservice Development with JRebel and Payara Micro

Admitting When You’re Wrong

Just recently, I have had to admit being wrong. Very wrong. Way back at the start of October, I was feeling the familiar sensation of panic and dread that only happens right before I need to give a presentation that includes a demo! In the end, there were major problems with the AV setup in the room I was allocated, so even arriving as early I could to set up didn’t give the techs enough time to hook up my laptop successfully.

Using the Payara Micro Maven Plugin

Payara Micro provides build tool plugins for Maven and Gradle. The plugins allows to start/stop/reload Payara Micro instance and package uber jar bundle of application. To illustrate the use of Payara Micro Maven Plugin, I'll be revisiting my earlier blog on another feature of Payara Micro - the ability to use Payara Micro as a JMS consumer.


Using Hibernate 5 on Payara Server

Hibernate is the object/relational mapping tool that handles mapping of Java classes to relational tables and Java types to SQL data type. It’s a well-known framework in the Enterprise Java eco-system since it’s being actively developed for the last 16 years.

With this article, I’m going to show the ways of using Hibernate inside a sample application – source code available here – and deploy it onto Payara Server. I will be using the latest version of Hibernate, which is 5.2.10.Final at the time of writing.