Posts tagged Maven (2)

Speed up Microservice Development with JRebel and Payara Micro

Admitting When You’re Wrong

Just recently, I have had to admit being wrong. Very wrong. Way back at the start of October, I was feeling the familiar sensation of panic and dread that only happens right before I need to give a presentation that includes a demo! In the end, there were major problems with the AV setup in the room I was allocated, so even arriving as early I could to set up didn’t give the techs enough time to hook up my laptop successfully.

Using the Payara Micro Maven Plugin

Payara Micro provides build tool plugins for Maven and Gradle. The plugins allows to start/stop/reload Payara Micro instance and package uber jar bundle of application. To illustrate the use of Payara Micro Maven Plugin, I'll be revisiting my earlier blog on another feature of Payara Micro - the ability to use Payara Micro as a JMS consumer.


Using Hibernate 5 on Payara Server

Hibernate is the object/relational mapping tool that handles mapping of Java classes to relational tables and Java types to SQL data type. It’s a well-known framework in the Enterprise Java eco-system since it’s being actively developed for the last 16 years.

With this article, I’m going to show the ways of using Hibernate inside a sample application – source code available here – and deploy it onto Payara Server. I will be using the latest version of Hibernate, which is 5.2.10.Final at the time of writing.


Payara for Beginners - Adding Payara Server to NetBeans

This blog uses NetBeans 11.1. If you're using an older version, you may need to perform slightly different steps to get the same result.

When testing an app to be run on Payara Server, it can be extremely useful to be able to test your app continuously from your IDE. If you're using NetBeans this is made very easy. Follow the steps in this blog to setup NetBeans to use Payara Server for running your web apps.

Creating Uber JAR with Payara Micro 5

Payara Micro allows you to run web applications in a self-contained and easy way. Since the release of the Payara Server in May 2016, there is a simple way to generate an "Uber" JAR that bundles the contents of a WAR file and the classes and resources that compose Payara Micro!

Note that this "Uber" Jar is not the best way to run your application in a Docker container as it requires an update of the entire binary for each small code change you make in the application. A better solution is just to start a Payara Micro Instance and point to the application that needs to be installed. More information can be found on our Payara Micro Docker Image documentation.

(last updated 06/04/2021)