Posts tagged JakartaEE (24)

Hot Deploy Feature in Payara Platform 5.201

Being productive gives developers a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. That's why increasing developer productivity is always our priority and we are consistently working towards improving the Payara Platform developer tools and the developer experience.

In this blog, we will show you how to configure a Project in the Apache NetBeans IDE to enable Auto Deploy and Hot Deploy mode.

The Auto Deploy and Hot Deploy mode are helpful for developers to run and test an application immediately after making changes to its sources without restarting the Server or manual redeployment to maximize your productivity where Auto Deploy is the feature of Apache NetBeans IDE and Hot Deploy is the feature of Payara Server. Hot Deploy mode is currently only supported in Apache NetBeans IDE as an experimental feature.

Payara Platform Supports TLS 1.3 on JDK 8

Transport Layer Security (TLS) was introduced as a replacement for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). TLS is a cryptographic protocol which provides secure communication between a client and a server. It also provides a mechanism by which information is not tampered with, falsified or read by anyone other than the intended receiver. TLS 1.3 was released in August 2018 to replace the widely used TLS 1.2. TLS 1.3 comes with stronger cryptographic algorithms and brings in major improvements in performance, security and privacy, which will be discussed in this blog.

Payara Platform Roadmap Planning for 2020

Starting with the latest Payara Platform 201 release, we've made changes to how we build and report our future platform roadmap. We recently introduced the Payara Reef initiative to enhance our communication with the Payara community, and as part of the Reef initiative, we are also introducing the Open Roadmap for the Payara Platform.

The Payara Monthly Catch for Feb 2020

It's been a little while since the last update. Your humble author has been on the road, most recently DevNexus in Atlanta where we met many awesome people and had a great time. We also just published our latest release Payara Platform 5.201.  We wont lament further, as usual we have kept our eyes open and have been squirrelling away some great content.

Below you will find a curated list of some of the most interesting news, articles and videos from this month. Cant wait until the end of the month? then visit our twitter page where we post all these articles as we find them! 

JakartaOne Livestream Japan 2020 (Japanese)

このイベントは、昨年9月に開催されたJakartaOne Livestreamに感銘を受けた日本のJavaコミュニティ有志が企画したバーチャル・カンファレンスです。私もこのカンファレンスのプログラム委員の一員として、カンファレンスの事前準備や当日の運営に携わりました。このようなイベントは日本ではまだ例がなく私たちも(当日のカンファレンス進行中でさえ)試行錯誤しましたが、日本のJavaコミュニティに広くJakarta EEMicroProfileをご紹介しようと最善を尽くしました。

Payara Platform 201 Release - More Updates to Monitoring Console

In Payara Platform 5.194 we introduced the monitoring console. The upcoming 5.201 release now offers numerous improvements and additions. We continued to followed our vision of a monitoring tool that users can configure to their needs, ranging from new tools such as watches and alerts, to new colour themes and settings users can tweak to match their individual preferences.

MicroProfile and Jakarta EE Technical Alignment

The transition of Java EE to the Eclipse Foundation is now complete with the release of the Jakarta EE 8 Platform Specification and the compatible implementations, including Payara Server. The release plan for Jakarta EE 9 is also approved, and will move all the Java EE APIs to the jakarta namespace - providing a future platform for Jakarta EE 10 and beyond.