Posts tagged MicroProfile (9)

The Payara Monthly Catch for May 2021

The big community news of this month was the release of Jakarta EE 9.1! The Eclipse Foundation brought out Jakarta EE 9.1 Platform and Web Profile specifications and related TCKs - the first release since the breaking namespace change to jakarta. We've rounded up our articles & announcements on this subject below - and watch this space, as Payara Platform is very close to launching our own Compatible Implementation. 

We also released the results of our Payara Platform Survery 2021 . Read in fullhere, including what we've learnt about the infrastructure you are using with the Payara Platform, what features you want to see, and our findings on how our users are adopting MicroProfileAPIs and new Jakarta EE versions. 

We're already using the results of the survey to shape content that responds to recurring issues users are encountering. See Rudy'sblog on why you might be finding Payara Server slow and an easy fix you may not have tried, as issues with deployment speed was a common theme in our survey results. 

As well as Payara's own content, the 'Monthly Catch' also includes our pick of the best from Java EE/Jakarta EE, MicroProfile, Java SE and DevOps influencers and authors this month, and wider industry news. We hope you enjoy, and make sure you are following us onLinkedIn and Twitter, and signed up to our blog, to get this content as it comes! 

The Payara Monthly Catch: April 2021

It's been an incredibly exciting month for Team Payara! We were honoured with a Queen's Award for Enterprise. This is the UK's most prestigious business award, often called the 'Knighthood for Businesses' and our award particularly recognises our international sucess. CEO and Founder Steve Millidge thanked the entire team in his blog, which also went more into detail about what this means for the wider Jakarta EE and MicroProfile community. 

In other Payara Services news, we're also 'buzzing' about our new Charity of the Year, the Bumblebee Conservation Trust - and see Payaran Lenny Primak below on Adam Bien's podcast, and Rudy De Busscher joining forces with IntelliJ IDEA! 

Community highlights included the release of the latest version of IntelliJ IDEA, with our engineersworking hard to update our Payara Platform pugins accordingly due to high demand from the community. We were also excited by news of the newMicrosoft Build of OpenJDK. 

Read more about all this and more in the below round-up of news, articles, videos and podcasts. 

The Payara Monthly Catch: March 2021

It's that time again, our March monthly catch! The "fishes" in our "net" are Java, Jakarta EE, Open Source and Microprofile articles, news stories, videos and podcasts we've found useful and interesting, as well as a few Payara Services updates.

Big news this month is the General Availability release of Java 16. Articles under the 'Java EE' subheading in our Community news section below provide expert opinions on what's new in this release.

The Payara Monthly Catch: February 2021

In our February Monthly Catch,  we’ve rounded up a wide range of the most useful learning materials, community news pieces, videos and podcasts from the world of Java, Jakarta EE and MicroProfile - and of course provided updates from Team Payara!

As we progress into the year, the new releases of Jakarta EE - including the breaking namespace change - and MicroProfile are becoming more embedded and discussed. For example, it was great to see Dalia Shea from JetBrains discuss using the new “jakarta” namespace, and Michael Redlich at InfoQ summarizing the JakartaOne conference where Jakarta EE 9 was officially announced.

We’re also seeing a lot of looking round the corner to what’s next for our community: to JDK 17, as well as the innovations coming through Project Loom and Project Panama.

It also seems to be unofficial survey season! We’ve launched our own, Omnifaces have published its survey’s fascinating results looking into JakartaEE and MicroProfile, and you still have time to answer questions forthe Snyk and Azul survey that came out this month. It’s exciting to see so many opportunities for people to feedback, drive and shape the future of Enterprise Java and its associated technologies.

If you enjoy the content, make sure to follow us on our Twitter and LinkedIn, for the very latest news as it comes in. 


Use MicroProfile 4.0 Specs in Payara Platform Community 5.2021.1

In the December Payara Platform Community release, we added two MicroProfile specification release candidates for you to try out: the MP Health 3.0 and MP JWT Auth 1.2 specifications. (Read more about that in this blog: Test MicroProfile Specs in Payara Platform Community 5.2020.7 Release). In our February Payara Platform Community release, support for MicroProfile 4.0 is complete with the final versions of the MicroProfile specifications, and we are now pending compatibility recognition from the Eclipse Foundation.


What's New in the Payara Platform February Release?

This month we release Payara Platform Enterprise 5.25.0 (request here) with 4 improvements and 3 new features, including an update to the Upgrade Tool released last month that gives the ability to restore the domain configuration from the backup with the rollback-server command.

Meanwhile, the Payara Platform Community 5.2021.1 (download here) introduces support for the complete MicroProfile 4.0 specifications, a Hazelcast upgrade providing better support for Amazon AWS, improved stability of HTTP2, and a large number of community contributions. 

Don't miss our release overview virtual event next week, which is now open for registrations on Meetup here. 

Read more below to find out the details.

Payara Services Joins MicroProfile Working Group

Payara is pleased to announce that we have joined the MicroProfile Working Group. This builds on our commitment to shaping and improving Enterprise Java for both microservices and monolithic architectures. 

The MicroProfile project was born as a community initiative to optimise Enterprise Java with a microservices standard platform. It joined theEclipse Foundation in 2017, an independent open source software association, with the goal of driving innovation with a vendor-neutral "incubation" environment.

The Eclipse Foundation's MicroProfile Working Group encourages collaboration between participants, working in short cycles to propose and gain approval for new common APIs and functionality - and in turn drawing on the knowledge of a wide variety of different vendors. As one of the contributors, Payara engineers will shape and drive the future of the MicroProfile specifications.

We talked to our Founder and CEO Steve Millidge to find out more about what this means. 

Test MicroProfile Specs in Payara Platform Community 5.2020.7 Release

As MicroProfile moves toward the 4.0 final release, the Payara team has simultaneously been working to ready the Payara Platform for MicroProfile 4.0 compatibility. One of the goals of the Payara Platform Community Edition is to evolve rapidly and provide a place for developers to test new features and capabilities as soon as they are available. In the Payara Platform Community 5.2020.7 Release, you can give two of the MicroProfile specification release candidates a try: MP Health 3.0 and MP JWT Auth 1.2.

What's New in the Payara Platform December Release?

The last Payara Platform release of 2020 is here!  With this patch release of Payara Platform Enterprise 5.23.1, we're introducing more improvements and component upgrades to Payara InSight as well as a couple useful bug fixes. Meanwhile, the Payara Platform Community 5.2020.7 introduces some improvements and additions to the MicroProfile specs in preparation for the upcoming MicroProfile 4.0 release. We are also happy to confirm that Payara Platform Web Profile is now Jakarta EE 8 compatible!

You can download Payara Platform Community 5.2020.7 here and request Payara Platform Enterprise 5.23.1 here. 

Read more below to find out the details.