Test MicroProfile Specs in Payara Platform Community 5.2020.7 Release

Photo of Debbie Hoffman by Debbie Hoffman

As MicroProfile moves toward the 4.0 final release, the Payara team has simultaneously been working to ready the Payara Platform for MicroProfile 4.0 compatibility. One of the goals of the Payara Platform Community Edition is to evolve rapidly and provide a place for developers to test new features and capabilities as soon as they are available. In the Payara Platform Community 5.2020.7 Release, you can give two of the MicroProfile specification release candidates a try: MP Health 3.0 and MP JWT Auth 1.2.

Trying specifications while they are still release candidates gives developers an opportunity to test their environment against the release candidates for broken tests or specification problems. 

Enabling Payara Platform Community to work with the specifications in our December 2020 release before they are released in MicroProfile 4.0 allows our developers a chance to raise issues and even influence the MicroProfile specifications if we find anything in the release candidates that doesn’t work well with the Payara Platform. It also puts us a step ahead in the process of becoming a runtime that supports MP 4.0 - and that means it will be much faster to implement the final versions of the specifications that are eventually released in MicroProfile 4.0.

What Changed in the MicroProfile Health and JWT Specifications?

The list of changes occurring in MicroProfile Health 3.0 compared to 2.2 include breaking changes. You can view a summary of thechanges to MP Health 3.0 here. Changes occurring in MicroProfile JWT 1.2 are minor. View a summary of MP JWT 1.2 changes here.

Try the specifications in Payara Platform Community 5.2020.7!

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We'd love to know how MP Health 3.0 and MP JWT 1.2 are working for you. Let us know if the transition was smooth or if you discovered any issues in the Payara Forum.

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