Payara Platform 2021 Survey Results

Photo of Priya Khaira-Hanks by Priya Khaira-Hanks

We’re pleased to announce that our 2021 Payara Platform Survey results are now available! 

This survey was promoted to our audience between March and April 2021. We shared with Payara Platform Enterprise customers and Community users via social media, emails and blogs. Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to contribute!

Features You Want To See 

As in our previous 2019 Community Survey, answers will help us shape the future of the Payara Platform. We gained key insights into which features and enhancements you would like to see in future releases, areas where we are doing well and where we could improve. 

Some of our key findings were that our users wish for Grafana dashboards, better doman upgrades, platform modularity and infrastructure as code - namely, a Java API to generate Asadmin CLI tool command scripts, Docker files and Kubernetes yaml files for specific Payara products.

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Infrastructure You Use 

We also learnt about the infrastructure technologies our community use with Payara Platform. We noted increased use of Docker and decreased use of the Oracle JDK. The use of Zulu JDK increased, in part a testament to the success and demand for our continued partnership with Azul Systems

Our findings on this subject gave us a clear current snapshot of build tool use, ready for exciting new developments in this area as we heard the recent news that Microsoft is launching its own OpenJDK build. Will we see usage of this with Payara Platform in our survey next year, perhaps? 

MicroProfile API and New Jakarta EE Version Adoption

For this survey, we also looked at how Payara Platform interacts with the wider Enterprise Java ecosystem. We looked at how Jakarta EE 8 has been adopted among our user groups and the progress of microservices-orientated MicroProfile API adoption.

Your answers will help us as we shape the future of Jakarta EE and MicroProfile through our involvement with Eclipse Foundation Working Groups. We steer the direction of these initiatives through our Eclipse Foundation membership. Therefore your feedback on the Payara Platform will shape our knowledge of community needs, and in turn the development of these technologies.

See the full survey results here:

Payara Platform 2021 Survey Results

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