Payara Server Web Profile is Jakarta EE 8 Web Profile Compatible

Photo of Debbie Hoffman by Debbie Hoffman

Payara Server Web Profile (Enterprise Edition 5.23.0 and Community Edition 5.2020.6), has passed the approximately 18,000 open sourced licensed Jakarta EE 8 TCKs for the Web Profile Platform and is now a Jakarta EE 8 Web Profile compatible implementation. Payara Server is available for download here.

Jakarta EE is the open, vendor-neutral successor of Java EE, and the start of a new age for enterprise Java innovation including cloud-native technologies and microservices. Moving Java EE to a community-driven open source model enables faster evolution, more frequent releases, and the development of modern applications. Payara Server 5.193.1 was one of the first runtimes to achieve compatibility and was fully certified as an open source Jakarta EE 8 compatible implementation on October 19, 2019.  We wrote about theprocess of becoming Jakarta EE 8 compatible, here.

The Payara Team worked to pass the required tests and achieve Jakarta EE 8 certification for Payara Server Web Profile while simultaneously working to bring the full Payara Server distribution closer to Jakarta EE 9 compatibility. The team also participates as project management committee members, committers, and members of the working group of Jakarta EE, and serves as a project lead for the Eclipse GlassFish project.


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