The Payara Monthly Catch for May 2021
Originally published on 01 Jun 2021
Last updated on 01 Jun 2021

The big community news of this month was the release of Jakarta EE 9.1! The Eclipse Foundation brought out Jakarta EE 9.1 Platform and Web Profile specifications and related TCKs - the first release since the breaking namespace change to jakarta. We've rounded up our articles & announcements on this subject below - and watch this space, as Payara Platform is very close to launching our own Compatible Implementation.
We also released the results of our Payara Platform Survery 2021 . Read in fullhere, including what we've learnt about the infrastructure you are using with the Payara Platform, what features you want to see, and our findings on how our users are adopting MicroProfileAPIs and new Jakarta EE versions.
We're already using the results of the survey to shape content that responds to recurring issues users are encountering. See Rudy'sblog on why you might be finding Payara Server slow and an easy fix you may not have tried, as issues with deployment speed was a common theme in our survey results.
As well as Payara's own content, the 'Monthly Catch' also includes our pick of the best from Java EE/Jakarta EE, MicroProfile, Java SE and DevOps influencers and authors this month, and wider industry news. We hope you enjoy, and make sure you are following us onLinkedIn and Twitter, and signed up to our blog, to get this content as it comes!
Jakarta EE 9.1 Launches!
Read the Eclipse Foundation announcement here - featuring a quote from our Founder and CEO Steve Millidge:
We wrote a blog to celebrate the launch, which includes:
- Our summary of what this release means for Enterprise Java engineers
- Payara's involvement
- An update on Payara Server 6 alpha 1
- An interview with Payara engineer Gaurav Gupta - on how Payara users can adopt the new namespace incrementally
As the Jakarta EE testing implementation, the arrival of Jakarta EE 9.1 also saw the release of a new GlassFish version: GlassFish 6.1. In his blog, Rudy De Busscherexplained how this does NOT mean you should update to new versions to keep running your mission critical applications, as the runtime still comes with many issues - it is not your best choice for deployments in production! Readhere.
Why Cloud Migrations Get Stuck or Fail - Forrest Brazeal on why your move to cloud native might fail. Check out potential pitfalls here, including incredible illustrations.
Preventing YAML Parsing Vulnerabilities in Java - Brian Vermeer from Snyk knows that YAML can cause problems. It's a human-readable language to serialise data that's commonly used for config files & can be compared to JSON or XML. Brian provides solutions.
We love hearing why Java is better! Nicolai Parlog argues for Java records, claiming they have stronger semantics with important downstream benefits, which make them better than Lombok's or Kotlin's data classes.
7 Functional Programming Techniques in Java: A Primer - Deepu KL Sasidharan dispels hype and provides a realistic look at applying this programming paradigm/style.
6 Vital Steps to Enhancing IoT Security - Though there are benefits available to businesses through adopting Internet of Things technology, it can make your technology vulnerable. Elea Andrea Almazora for Payara explores how to improve IoT security.
Supporting bulk operations in REST APIs - Michael Scharhag acknowledges that bulk operations in general are not very compatible with REST constraints as we operate on different resources with a single request. He provides solutions.
Do we need comments in our code? - Trisha Gee - having discussed code review extensively - continues to add to the conversation about the mechanics of working with others on code development.
The Dark Side of Docker : Avoid the “Latest” Tag - Advice from Payara's Rudy De Busscher is don't use the latest tag on Docker images and always use an explicit version number!
Read more in this DZone article where Rob Dickinson explains more.
Another brick in the WAR ? - A bit of Java programming fun, with javinpaul showing you how to create the iconic Pink Floyd triangle in Java.
The next instalment of our 'Getting Started with #JakartaEE 9' series is here! - Context and Dependency Injection (CDI). Rudy De Busscher discusses the different scopes, the interceptor mechanism, and the Event system.
7 Test Frameworks To Follow in 2021 for Java - On DZone, Sylvain Leroy discusses new 2021 test frameworks. This includes a #JUnit extension & library - JUnit can be used to test Payara Platform using arquillian.
Large pages & Java - Stefan Johansson has been looking at memory reservation code in the JVM - inspiring this blog on how large pages are used in the Java Virtual Machine Page.
Make your first open source contribution - Marko Denic takes you through, step-by-step, making your first contribution to an open source project - like Payara Platform - on GitHub! Read here if you want to become part of the open source community.
Chaos Engineering make disciplined microservices - Shamik Mitra discusses Chaos Engineering - a technique by which you can measure the resilience of your architecture - & how this can help you, providing you have a well-designed DevOps pipeline.
Where Is The Payara Fish This Month?
Our UK office is based in Malvern, Worcestershire, famous for its natural springs. Every May, 49 wells, springs & spouts are decorated according to a theme & this year Team Payara had a well to make beautiful to fit the theme of ‘Stars and Planets’. So this month's Payara Fish is hanging from our decorated well!

Cartoon of the month!
Looking for some 90s Java nostalgia? Check out 'The Amazing Adventures of Duke...the net's smoothest code man'!
Videos & Podcasts
Mala Gupta explains how support for new language features in the IDE ensures it's easy for developers to try out new things.
Visual Studio Code Getting Better & Better forJava - Payara Platform provides a VS Code extension to integrate Payara Server & Micro Enterprise into VS Code - this article demonstrates why this is great, as VS Code for Java continues to improve.
Community News
Hibernate turned 20 ! You can use Hibernate 5 as your object/relational mapping tool with Payara Platform. Here, Vlad Mihalcea reflects on the data access framework's journey, with Hibernate 5.5 set to add support for Jakarta EE.
Payara Platform May release! - For the Community Release this means 1 new feature, 5 bug fixes, 6 improvements, 1 security fix & 1 component upgrade, including better Hazelcast functionality & IntelliJ IDEA plug ins.
Jakarta EE Ambassadors publishes a Jakarta EE/MicroProfile alignment view, with clarity key for this grassroots organisation - Payara Platform supports both & is part of both Working Groups, listening to community views like this with interest.
Apache TomEE Jakarta EE certified after 10 years - Congratulations David Blevins & team! Watch this space for Payara's own Jakarta EE 9.1 compatibility announcement, we understand the hard work & dedication it takes to achieve this status.
JDK 17: The new features in Java 17 - OpenJDK 17 is the next Long Term Support release & we are due to support it in September (dependent on external events.) Paul Krill provides an update on what you can expect:
A very informative short update from the Java at Microsoft team - Julien Dubois, Ed Burns and Martijn Verburg on Java Visual Studio Code improvements, Java SDK & the Microsoft OpenJDK build, did you know you can find its Java 16 release in the Minecraft snapshot builds?
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