Use MicroProfile 4.0 Specs in Payara Platform Community 5.2021.1

Photo of Debbie Hoffman and Rudy De Busscher by Debbie Hoffman and Rudy De Busscher

In the December Payara Platform Community release, we added two MicroProfile specification release candidates for you to try out: the MP Health 3.0 and MP JWT Auth 1.2 specifications. (Read more about that in this blog: Test MicroProfile Specs in Payara Platform Community 5.2020.7 Release). In our February Payara Platform Community release, support for MicroProfile 4.0 is complete with the final versions of the MicroProfile specifications, and we are now pending compatibility recognition from the Eclipse Foundation.


When Will Payara Platform Enterprise Support MicroProfile 4.0?

After we’ve determined the final version for each specification is secure and stable on the Community Edition of the Payara Platform and have implemented a solution to minimize or remove the impact of breaking changes, we will begin the process of adding support for MicroProfile 4.0 in Payara Platform Enterprise for production environments. 

What Changed in the MicroProfile Specifications?

The list of important changes occurring in MicroProfile 4.0 include breaking changes for many of the specifications:

Config 2.0

  • Property values are now scanned for expressions, ${...} and replacements are performed. When your config values contain such expression, the result will be different with Config 2.0 in place.
  • Empty values are handled differently and not allowed in some cases resulting in a NoSuchElementException.

Fault Tolerance 3.0

  • Metric names created for the Fault Tolerance specification are changed and moved from the application scope to the base scope.

Health 3.0

  • The @Health annotation, deprecated since version Health 2.0, is removed and no longer available. The annotation is replaced by @Readiness and @Liveness.

Metrics 3.0

  • CDI producers annotated with @Metric do not automatically register the method result within the Metric register.
  • Several changes in method signatures in the classes Timer, MetadataBuilder, and Metadata.

Open API 2.0

  • All methods marked deprecated in Open API 1.1 are removed. For a full list, have a look at this overview.

Open Tracing 2.0

  • Several methods are removed to simplify the usage of spans. The methods related to the auto-finishing spans are removed as the concept itself is no longer supported.

Rest Client 2.0

  • The Jakarta EE dependencies are defined as scope provided instead of compile which means that the transitive dependencies are different and might break your application.

Download the February 2021 Payara Platform Community 5.2021.1 release with support for MicroProfile 4.0:

 Payara Platform  Download Here 

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