Posts from Matthew Gill

Photo of Matthew Gill

Creating a Simple Deployment Group

Note: This blog post is an update to Creating a Simple Cluster, which was written for Payara Server 4.


Continuing our introductory blog series, this blog will demonstrate how to set up a simple Hazelcast deployment group containing two instances. Deployment groups were introduced with Payara 5 to replace clusters. They provide a looser way of managing servers, allowing instances to cluster by sharing the same configuration whilst providing a single deployment target for all of them. See here to read more about Deployment Groups.

Payara for Beginners - Payara ServerをNetBeansに追加する

Payara Server上でアプリをテストする時、IDEと連携してアプリをテストできるようにしておくと非常に便利です (そもそも、そのためのIDEですが)。もしNetBeansを使用しているのなら非常に簡単に実現できます。このブログではPayara ServerをNetBeansにセットアップしてWebアプリを実行するための手順をご紹介します。


Payara para principiantes: Integrando Payara Server con Oracle 11g XE

La mayoría de las aplicaciones web modernas necesitan alguna manera de almacenar datos en una base de datos. Generalmente, Oracle proporciona la mejor solución de RDBMS en lo que respecta a seguridad, soporte y escalabilidad. Oracle XE es la versión más adecuada para desarrolladores para proyectos pequeños o personales, y además debería ser compatible con la versión completa de la base de datos Oracle. Esta guía te adyudará a configurar tanto Oracle XE y Payara Server.

Payara para principiantes: Añadir Payara Server a NetBeans

Cuando estás probando una aplicación para ejecutarla en Payara Server, continuamente probar la aplicación desde tu IDE es extremadamente util (ese es su proposito, despues de todo). Si estás utilizando NetBeans esto es muy sencillo. Sigue los pasos de este blog para configurar Payara Server en NetBeans para ejecutar tus aplicaciones web.

MicroProfile OpenAPI in the Payara Platform

One of the new features in Payara Platform version 5.182 is full compatibility with MicroProfile 1.3. In this blog post, I will introduce OpenAPI 1.0, a new API in MicroProfile 1.3. This functionality is available in both Payara Server and Payara Micro in version 5.182. It's also available in version for Payara Support customers.

Virtual Servers in Payara Server

 Virtual servers are a common concept to developers familiar with configuring web servers like Apache HTTP or Nginx. A virtual server represents a placeholder for a physical Payara Server instance to be "visualized" as multiple instances at once, allowing to server requests for multiple domain names. Detailed information on virtual servers can be found in the official documentation for Payara Server.

Payara Micro in Docker

The Payara Micro 173 release had a few changes which will make the lives of Docker users easier. This blog will cover the changes which affect Payara Micro in Docker,  demonstrating the following:

  • Using the new Payara Micro 5 Docker image, which provides Java EE 8 features.

  • Deploying applications without the targetted database being present.

  • Adding library JARs from the command line.

REST Monitoring in Payara Server

The Payara Server 173 release included a technical preview of the REST Monitoring Service, which is a service to expose JMX monitoring MBeans over HTTP. As of Payara Server 174, this feature is no longer in tech preview.

One big problem with JMX is that JMX monitoring uses RMI (Remote Method Invocation), which can lead to a few nightmares if, for example, you have a firewall which blocks connections over RMI ports. The REST monitoring service in Payara Server now provides a service which will be very familiar to users of Jolokia in that it makes this monitoring data available over HTTP, making the data available in a more standard format (JSON) and accessible over a standard HTTP connection.