Posts tagged Payara Platform (6)

Payara Platformの新しいリリースです!

本日、Payara Platform CommunityおよびEnterprise Editionの出荷をアナウンスできることをうれしく思います。Communityリリース (5.2020.2) には26個のバグ修正、13個の改善、2個の新機能、そして5コンポーネントのアップグレードが含まれます。こちらからダウンロード可能です。


Opening the Payara Platform Roadmap to the Community

We are continuing to change and improve the way we build and report our future platform releases through the introduction of the Open Roadmap.

As part of the new Payara Reef Community Growth Programme initiative, the Open Roadmap aims to collate user feedback clearly and effectively by allowing individuals to comment on any issues via a GitHub project board.

Our Documentation Has Moved!

We wanted to let you know that we've decided to self-host our documentation due to the shutdown of legacy Gitbook. There are a few minor changes you'll want to know regarding how you access and read the Payara Platform Documentation.

Payara Platform Roadmap Planning for 2020

Starting with the latest Payara Platform 201 release, we've made changes to how we build and report our future platform roadmap. We recently introduced the Payara Reef initiative to enhance our communication with the Payara community, and as part of the Reef initiative, we are also introducing the Open Roadmap for the Payara Platform.

Payara Platform 2019 Community Survey Results

We're proud to announce that our 2019 Community Survey results are now available! We conducted a survey between September and November 2019 to determine how organizations are using the Payara Platform and what ecosystem components are most commonly used with the platform. Thank you for contributing and helping us gain insight into which features and enhancements the community would most like to see in future releases of the Payara Platform.