Posts tagged Payara Platform (5)

Tips for Building Cloud-Native Applications

An increasing number of organisations have moved, or are planning to move, to cloud-based hosting and are developing their applications to run in the cloud. However, once it's decided that your next application is going to run in the cloud, there are still a lot of architectural choices ahead of you. Besides obvious benefits like cost reduction, scalability and easier administration, cloud environments bring their own disadvantages and potential risks. In this blog, I'll share with you some tips on how to take care of the most important disadvantages and risks when you decide to build your applications for the cloud.

We will look at the various options for running your application:

Deploy Docker Containers On Azure


Several Cloud Providers have the possibility to run your Payara Platform Docker Images on their infrastructure. In this blog, I will describe to you how you can run your application on Microsoft Azure using a Docker Container. All the steps required to perform this are described using the Azure Portal (web-based application) and the Azure Command line.

HK2: The Hundred Kilobyte Kernel

HK2 is a rather old dependency injection (DI) framework and is used as the core of Payara Server. Created in 2007 by Kohsuke Kawaguchi (who is also the creator of the Hudson project, now Jenkins) at Sun Microsystems, it followed JSR 330 closely, which was the JSR that introduced the @Inject, @Named and @Qualifier annotations, the very annotations which are also heavily used in CDI.

What's New in Payara Platform 191?

A change in the year means a change in our version number! Slightly later than our usual release month of February, we've tried to include some more changes in the release than a simple number change to make the wait worthwhile: read on to find out more!


191 Release Overview Webinar - Watch On Demand


A Step-by-Step Migration to Reactive Microservices in Snowy Stockholm

I have written and talked a lot about why reactive programming matters. It’s always been a topic of personal interest for me. I’m not only an engineer but also a perfectionist and I’ve always wanted my applications to be perfect, easy-to-use and pleasant to work with. Building reactive applications is one way to achieve this perfection.