Posts tagged Payara Platform (5)

10 Strategies for Developing Reliable Jakarta EE Applications for the Cloud

What happens when an application designed for a small user base needs to be scaled up and moved to the cloud?

It needs to live in a distributed environment: responding to an appropriate number of concurrent user requests per second and ensuring users find the application reliable. 

Though Jakarta EE and Eclipse MicroProfile can help with reliable clustering, there is no standard API in Jakarta EE that defines how clustering should work currently. This might change in the future, but in the meantime, this gap must be filled by DevOps engineers.

In this blog, we will cover 10 technical strategies to deal with clustering challenges when developing Jakarta EE and MicroProfile for cloud environments.

Payara Platformの新しいリリースです!

本日、Payara Platform CommunityおよびEnterprise Editionの出荷をアナウンスできることをうれしく思います。Communityリリース (5.2020.2) には26個のバグ修正、13個の改善、2個の新機能、そして5コンポーネントのアップグレードが含まれます。こちらからダウンロード可能です。
