Using a MySQL with Payara Platform (Video)

Photo of Debbie Hoffman by Debbie Hoffman

In this simple demo video by Rudy De Busscher, learn how to configure the connection to the MySQL database and how to use it with JPA or JDBC framework, and various options for using it with the Payara Platform.Using a MySQL with Payara Platform Products

Using the Asadmin CLI tool is the preferred way to configure a JDBC Driver for MySQL when using Payara Server, but you can also use the Admin Console. You could also use the DataSource definition of the Jakarta EE specification, which is preferred when using Payara Micro.

If you want to learn how to use PostGreSQL or Oracle databases in Payara Server and Payara Micro, or see how to use a data source in the JPA or JDBC frameworks, you can watch the other videos in this series specific to your database of choice as they are published. 

Data Source Tutorials

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