Opening the Payara Platform Roadmap to the Community

Photo of Steve Millidge by Steve Millidge

We are continuing to change and improve the way we build and report our future platform releases through the introduction of the Open Roadmap.

As part of the new Payara Reef Community Growth Programme initiative, the Open Roadmap aims to collate user feedback clearly and effectively by allowing individuals to comment on any issues via a GitHub project board.


The Open Roadmap is a GitHub project board where we will describe features we are currently looking to add to the Payara Platform across all our software products and tools. The roadmap will initially include brief descriptions of ideas we are evaluating and over time, we'll add more detailed information.

The Open Roadmap will:
• List an initial set of large-scale features that are actively being evaluated for implementation into the Payara Platform over the next few releases.
• Include an initial approach to the integration across all software products and tools.
• Over time, include more detail regarding the problems to be solved and how the capability of the feature will look to the user.

To note:
• When a feature enters development stage, it will be moved to the Build column in the GitHub project. Both these mechanisms will indicate when a feature is likely to hit a release.
• Small features and enhancements as well as bug fixes and component upgrades won’t appear on the Roadmap and will be handled as regular GitHub or internal JIRA issues.
• All feature ideas and enhancements within Payara’s internal JIRA will be moved onto the GitHub board once further evaluation and analysis has been carried out.

You can read more about our open road map in this previous blog



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