Payara Roadmap Overview

Photo of Jadon Ortlepp by Jadon Ortlepp

In this new video you can watch Payara CEO and Founder Steve Millidge talk about the plans we have for the Payara Platform, in the near future and beyond; and how this ties in with Jakarta EE 9/10/+ and Eclipse MicroProfile. 


We are also opening up our roadmap to community involvement to build a better product! We are hoping that doing so will help us to build the Payara Platform in a way that ensures it meets the current and future needs of the community. The Open Roadmap is a GitHub project board where we will describe features we are currently looking to add to the Payara Platform across all our software products and tools. The roadmap will initially include brief descriptions of ideas we are evaluating and over time, we'll add more detailed information.

Get Involved!

We are really excited about the plans we have for the Payara Platform for the rest of 2020. As always, we are looking for feedback and where you think we should take the platform to, so get involved!

Payara is an open source company and we deliver the Payara Platform to both customers and community, 100% funded by customer subscriptions. To experience the benefits of our Enterprise programs, take a look at what Payara Enterprisecan offer.

If you are a Payara Server or Payara Micro user and your organization can't help by becoming a support customer, please help by providing bug reports on GitHub, coding and raising pull requests, offering ideas for enhancement requests, by helping out the community on the forums or by updating documentation.

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