Posts tagged MicroProfile (15)

MicroProfile Starter Launched


For those who did not come across Eclipse MicroProfile yet, let me give you a quick introduction. In 2016, a group of vendors and individuals started an initiative to optimize Enterprise Java for a microservices architecture.

Did You Know? Asynchronous REST Requests and Responses with Java EE and MicroProfile

Java EE 8 fully supports asynchronous handling of REST requests and responses, on both client and server side. This is useful to optimize throughput of an application or even when adopting reactive principles. MicroProfile type-safe REST client API also supports this concept to allow you to call REST services asynchronously with a much more straightforward way with plain Java interfaces.

Expose JMX Bean Values through MicroProfile Metrics

Payara Server provides many metrics within JMX beans. The most interesting metrics are the statistics around pools for HTTP threads and JDBC Connection pooling.


On the other hand, Payara Server also implements the MicroProfile Metrics specification. The retrieval of useful metrics from the running instance in the areas of CPU, memory, Class loading, and other MicroProfile specifications (like Fault Tolerance), are possible through the implementation of the MicroProfile Metrics in Payara Server.