Gradual Migration from Java EE to MicroProfile

Photo of Rudy De Busscher by Rudy De Busscher

The goal of MicroProfile.IO is to optimise Java EE for a micro-service architecture. It is based on some of the Java EE specifications and standardise a few technologies from the micro-services space.


However, some of the microprofile implementations are completely different 'servers', like the KumuluzEE server. So how can you migrate easily from your favorite Java EE server to a MicroProfile implementation?


This session shows you an overview of what MicroProfile is and how it relates to Java EE. It then demonstrates with a few examples how you can adjust your Java EE application to incorporate some of the MicroProfile.IO specifications and how you can transform your Java EE application to a MicroProfile one using Thorntail, Liberty, Payara Micro and KumuluzEE.





You can also find the slides here. 



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