Posts tagged GlassFish basics (2)

Back to Basics - How to Deploy an Application on Payara Server / GlassFish 4.1

This is Part 2 of our Payara Server - Back to Basics series, see Part 1 - Installing Payara Server on Ubuntu here.

In order for a web application to run, it must be first deployed on an application server such as Payara Server. Deployment in the context of web applications is the act of installing the application on a server. It allows requests to be handled and so on. This guide will provide you with a few different ways to get your application running.

Working with GlassFish & Payara Server Dotted Names

Many of you will know of some of the common asadmin commands, such as start-domain, create-cluster, and change-admin-password, some of which I covered in a previous blog written for GlassFish (which still holds true for Payara Server).

Unfortunately, there is not a specific asadmin command for every configurable attribute in GlassFish or Payara Server. This is where dotted names, and the get, set, and list commands come in.