Back to Basics - Installing Payara Server 4 on Ubuntu

Photo of Ahmed Qureshi by Ahmed Qureshi

This is Part 1 of our 'Payara Server- Back to Basics' series, where we will show you a step-by-step overview of how to install Payara Server 4 on Ubuntu. See Part 2 - How to Deploy an Application on Payara Server here.

Note: There is an updated version of this blog available for Installing Payara Server 5 on Ubuntu.

Installing Payara Server 4.1

1. Make sure the appropriate JDK is installed:


Java EE 7 requires JDK 7 or above to be installed beforehand as it uses some of the latest features; the current recommended version is the very latest JDK 8. To check what version you have, in a shell/command window simply type:

javac -version

java -version

If the

java command is not recognised then you will have to install the JDK which can be downloaded from here:


2. Set the JAVA_HOME variable to the JDK location:


An easy tip to determine the location of where your JDK (one or multiple versions) is installed is to enter the following command into your shell box:

sudo update-alternatives --config java


Command Line

Set your JAVA_HOME variable as follows:

export JAVA_HOME={jdk-installation-directory}

(in the example above: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle)


To persist the variable across sessions, simply add the export to the current user's .bashrc file.

This is a hidden file in the user's home directory; /home/$user/.bashrc.


3. Downloading  Payara Server

Payara Server can be downloaded from: 

Download to a directory of your choosing and then unzip.

Running  Payara Server 4.1

In the case of Payara to run the server, change directory to install_directory/payara41/bin and enter the following command:

./asadmin start-domain


Command Line

This will start domain1, which is the default domain included with Payara Server. If you were to create a new domain, that would need to be specified explicitly - like with Payara's payaradomain. To maintain compatibility with GlassFish, though, domain1 is preferred if no domain is specified, rather than throwing an error from version 4.1.153 and up. Accessing the Administration Console 

Once the server is up running, navigate to http://localhost:4848 to access the console. Your page should look something like this:


Payara Server Console - Common Tasks - Mozilla Firefox_243.png


See Part 2 here: How to Deploy an Application on Payara Server / GlassFish 4.1

 Payara Server  Download



Note: There is an updated version of this blog available for Installing Payara Server 5 on Ubuntu.

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