Posts tagged Payara Server (6)

CLIによるPayara Server 5の管理

Payara Server 5が既にリリースされていますので、基本的な事柄をブラッシュアップするにはちょうど良い頃でしょう。これから、Payara ServerのCLIでできることをいくつか見てゆきたいと思います。

コマンドライン・インタフェース (CLI) はコマンドライン (またはターミナル) からPayara Serverをコントロールする手段であり、複数の方法でサーバーの起動、停止、編集を行うことができます。管理コンソールでも必要なあらゆる管理操作を実行することはできますが、CLIを用いると、特にヘッドレス・サーバー (GUIを持たないサーバー) を扱う場合において、あらゆる管理タスクをより素早く簡単に実行できる場合があります。

Appriss Overcomes Migration Problems and Delivers Critical Customer-Facing Web Apps with the Confidence of Payara 24/7 Expert Support

When Appriss tried migrating from GlassFish 3 to Glassfish 4 they encountered problems that prevented a successful migration. Without support from GlassFish, they were simply stuck. Payara engineers assisted Appriss through a Migration & Project Support engagement to resolve all issues and migrate Appriss production GlassFish applications to Payara Server.

New Feature in Payara Server & Payara Micro 5.182: MicroProfile OpenTracing


The 5.182 release of Payara Server & Payara Micro (Payara Platform) brings in MicroProfile (MP) 1.3. This introduces a couple of updates to some existing MP specifications, and three new ones: OpenTracing, OpenAPI, and Type-safe REST Client. In this blog I’ll be covering our implementation of OpenTracing.

Benefits of Open Source vs Proprietary Software

Open source software offers a number of advantages over proprietary software. Many businesses prefer open source options as it reduces the procurement barrier. A survey conducted by Black Duck Software and North Bridge revealed that 78% of today’s businesses already rely on open-source software for increased security and the lack of licensing fees. It is estimated that the use of open source saves businesses $60 billion (USD) annually.


MicroProfile OpenAPI in the Payara Platform

One of the new features in Payara Platform version 5.182 is full compatibility with MicroProfile 1.3. In this blog post, I will introduce OpenAPI 1.0, a new API in MicroProfile 1.3. This functionality is available in both Payara Server and Payara Micro in version 5.182. It's also available in version for Payara Support customers.

Deploying to Payara Server Using the Maven Cargo Plugin

When creating a Java EE application it is important to deploy and test it on a server that is as close to the target production environment as possible. If you use Maven in your project, it is possible to do so using the Cargo plugin, which allows you to deploy an application to an instance of Payara Server either locally or remotely. A complete example is available at