Posts tagged Payara Platform (8)

Payara Server 4 and Payara Micro 4 Are Entering the Maintenance Lifecycle

The Payara Support Lifecycle policy ensures longevity of your Payara Server or Payara Micro (The Payara Platform) investment. We provide 10 years of support and a well-defined lifecycle model to maintain the stability of your production environment.


Starting in February 2019, Payara Server 4 and Payara Micro 4 are moving from Full Support to the "Maintenance" stage of the lifecycle. No new features, enhancements, or APIs will be released for the Payara Platform 4 after February. What does this mean for you? Should you upgrade to Payara Platform 5?

New Feature of Payara Platform 5.184: Automated Health Check Checker

There has been a lot of noise around MicroProfile for quite a while now, and one of the specs provided by MicroProfile are Health Checks. The aim of this spec is to allow you to write a number of health checks that will run when you hit a specific endpoint, the intention being that this endpoint can be periodically poked by a container orchestrator to determine if an instance is responsive and healthy.