Posts tagged Java EE (10)

Jakarta EE 8 and Beyond

Today the Eclipse Foundation have announced an Update on Jakarta EE Rights to Java Trademarks which has dramatic implications for the future of Java EE and Jakarta EE. The Payara team have only recently learned about this - so we thought we would blog about how we feel this impacts customers and users of the Payara Platform. We'll also give our thoughts on how Jakarta EE should evolve given the constraints outlined in Mike Milinkovich's blog from the Eclipse Foundation.

EE Security in Relation to JASPIC, JACC and LoginModules/Realms

Java EE 8 introduced a new API called the Java EE Security API (see JSR 375) or "EE Security" in short.


This new API, perhaps unsurprisingly given its name, deals with security in Java EE.  Security in Java EE is obviously not a new thing though, and in various ways it has been part of the platform since its inception.


So what is exactly the difference between EE Security and the existing security facilities in Java EE? In this article we'll take a look at that exact question.


Help Us Shape Your Journey to the Cloud!

One of our key goals for the Payara Platform is to enable developers to use the Java EE skills they have honed over many years to take advantage of new infrastructure, architectures and programming models. We fundamentally believe that a managed runtime platform combined with industry standard APIs like Java EE and in the future Jakarta EE is a perfect fit for cloud and containerized infrastructure. Java EE has always separated the development of applications from the construction and management of the infrastructure to run those applications using the concept of deployment artifacts. This has a natural fit to cloud and container platforms including in the future serverless models.


Did You Know? Asynchronous REST Requests and Responses with Java EE and MicroProfile

Java EE 8 fully supports asynchronous handling of REST requests and responses, on both client and server side. This is useful to optimize throughput of an application or even when adopting reactive principles. MicroProfile type-safe REST client API also supports this concept to allow you to call REST services asynchronously with a much more straightforward way with plain Java interfaces.

10th Anniversary of Java2Days - Payara Services Had to Be There!

I've been to Sofia, Bulgaria, a couple of times already. It all started with the Java2Days organizers inviting the Payara team to give a talk 2 years ago. But this time it was something special. The organizers joined forces with other IT conferences and prepared a special edition for its 10th anniversary in what is probably the largest building in Bulgaria - the National Palace of Culture.


From Monoliths to Pragmatic Microservices with Java EE

It seems like Microservices architecture is almost everywhere these days. For a long time, I used to have a feeling that many people talked about it but very few use it. So I decided to find out how to get the most out of Microservices. I've studied this architecture a lot, experimented with the technology created specifically for Microservices and talked to other people who knew more than me. This how I've met some incredible people. And it's also a reason why I've joined forces with Reza Rahman and Ivar Grimstad to create a Hands-on Lab about our findings, which we'll present at Oracle Code One this year.