Posts tagged Java EE (9)

The Payara Monthly Catch for July 2020

I hope you enjoy the article and news round up this month, as usual their was a lot to talk about in the Jakarta EE & MicroProfile space, as well as Java as a whole. You may notice a slight shift in emphasis towards Security themed articles this month which I hope you find useful.

In this blog you will find a curated list of some of the most interesting news, articles and videos from the last month. Cant wait until the end of the month? then visit our twitter page where we post all these articles as we find them! 

The Payara Monthly Catch for June 2020

As usual, it was a busy month. With some big announcements from Microsoft and Oracle (see News section), the Jakarta EE 9 release, as well as Developer Survey results published by JetBrains, Eclipse and Snyk. We also had a major release ourselves. Sifting through the content I had a sense of renewed optimism and progress in the Java community. 

Below you will find a curated list of some of the most interesting news, articles and videos from the last month. Cant wait until the end of the month? then visit our twitter page where we post all these articles as we find them! 

The Payara Monthly Catch for May 2020


Alot went down in May! notably Java's 25th anniversary and a whole swathe of articles, webinars and podcasts that went with it! It felt like there was a webinar everyday!

Below you will find a curated list of some of the most interesting news, articles and videos from the last month. Cant wait until the end of the month? then visit our twitter page where we post all these articles as we find them! 

The Payara Monthly Catch for April 2020


With the lock downs raging on, more events are being cancelled and postponed. The upside is many have also pivoted to being virtual and many advocates are now pumping out interesting webinars and videos. The quality of content has also certainly not diminished, so read on dear reader!

Below you will find a curated list of some of the most interesting news, articles and videos from this month. Cant wait until the end of the month? then visit our twitter page where we post all these articles as we find them! 

The Payara Monthly Catch for Feb 2020

It's been a little while since the last update. Your humble author has been on the road, most recently DevNexus in Atlanta where we met many awesome people and had a great time. We also just published our latest release Payara Platform 5.201.  We wont lament further, as usual we have kept our eyes open and have been squirrelling away some great content.

Below you will find a curated list of some of the most interesting news, articles and videos from this month. Cant wait until the end of the month? then visit our twitter page where we post all these articles as we find them! 

The Payara Monthly Catch for Nov/Dec 2019

For the festive season we decided to change it up abit and create a mega bumper edition of the month catch by combining November and December and serve it to you before many head off for their Christmas holidays. 

Below you will find a curated list of some of the most interesting news, articles and videos from this month. Cant wait until the end of the month? then visit our twitter page where we post all these articles as we find them! 

The Payara Monthly Catch for October 2019

Apologies for the late edition this month! Your humble author has been on the road with recent conferences in Europe. But I hope I can make it up to you!

Below you will find a curated list of some of the most interesting news, articles and videos from this month. Cant wait until the end of the month? then visit our twitter page where we post all these articles as we find them! 

Relationship between Payara Platform, MicroProfile and Java EE/Jakarta EE

Maybe you've already heard about Eclipse MicroProfile, or maybe you don't know what benefits it offers you in your current project. Perhaps you don't see the relationship with Java EE/Jakarta EE - or how you can use it with Payara Server or Payara Micro.

In this blog, I'll give you a short overview of all of the above questions so that you can start using MicroProfile in your next project on the Payara Platform.