The Payara Monthly Catch for Nov/Dec 2019

Photo of Jadon Ortlepp by Jadon Ortlepp

For the festive season we decided to change it up abit and create a mega bumper edition of the month catch by combining November and December and serve it to you before many head off for their Christmas holidays. 

Below you will find a curated list of some of the most interesting news, articles and videos from this month. Cant wait until the end of the month? then visit our twitter page where we post all these articles as we find them! 

Monthly Catch Social Media


Introducing Jakarta NoSQL - Get to know Jakarta NoSQL & how it works with Java with this brief introduction.

Java in a container: Resource Allocation Guidelines - Some important and useful info for CPU and memory utilization for containerized Java applications.

Build OpenJDK for a Nice Speedup - August Nagro explores and explains that targeting the JDK to a specific architecture can provide significant throughput improvements.

Java switch - 4 Wrongs Don't Make a Right - "The switch statement in Java is being changed. But is it an upgrade or a mess?" by Stephen Colebourne

Java At Microsoft -  From OpenJDK to Azure Spring Cloud

MicroProfile: Examples, Tutorials, Guides, APIs, Projects and Resources - A useful list from Adam Bien on where to find the best information on MicroProfile and all the different implementations! Well worth bookmarking if you want to explore this exciting Tech.

Exit the Java EE Guardians; Enter the Jakarta EE Ambassadors - "We will continue to ensure that the community's voice is heard, we want to make sure that it's not only the big vendors who are being heard."  - By John K Waters

Technical Debt: The Myth at the Heart of the IT Labyrinth. By Quentin Adam.

Java Developer Swiss Army Knife of Tools on GitHub. - Including: Json Editor, UUID/Password Generator, Hash Calculator, Epoch Converter, Regular Expression Tester, Rest API Tester, ASCII Graphics & Logs Generator.

From javax.* to jakarta.*: A Simple Proof of Concept - Mahmoud Anouti experiments with code that uses javax.* APIs & how it can be dynamically modified (without the need to recompile) so it runs against the target jakarta.* namespace.

Deploying Java EE apps to Azure: Part 1 - In the 1st part of this series, Abhishek Gupta explains the basic approach for deploying a Java EE app to Payara Server, set up in a Virtual Machine on Microsoft Azure along with the Azure Database for PostgreSQL service as the backend database.

OpenJDK Startup - Late 2019 Edition - As development work on OpenJDK 14 starts to ramp down, Claes Redestad takes a fresh look at what’s been going on in the OpenJDK to make java and friends start up faster, use less memory & other improvements.

20 Reasons to Move On from Java 8  -Yup, 20 of them. 

GlassFish - In a New Pond - For our Dutch speaking friends, check out this excellent article by Edwin Derks about the life and future of Glassfish at the Eclipse Foundation

Face Recognition in Action @ Devoxx - Very interesting article by Stephan Janssen on the story of face recognition development at Devoxx!

Microservices Dans Le Cloud, Seconde Partie - Learn more about microservices in the Cloud in the 2nd part of this series from the increasingly prolific Otavio Santana, in French!

A/B Testing: Validating Multiple Variations - Angie Jones latest post on validating multiple variations during A/B testing.

Understanding the JDK’s New Superfast Garbage Collectors - ZGC, Shenandoah, and improvements to G1 get developers closer than ever to pauseless Java. By Raoul-Gabriel Urma and Richard Warburton 

14 High-Performance Java Persistence Tips - A high-performance data access layer requires a lot of knowledge about database internals, JDBC, JPA, Hibernate. This post by Vlad Mihalcea summarizes important techniques to optimize your enterprise app.

The Road to Valhalla - "The goal of Project Valhalla is to bring more flexible flattened data types to JVM-based languages, to bring the programming model back in line with the performance characteristics of modern hardware." by Brian Goetz

What Every Developer Needs to Know About Java Security
In this article, Gilad Maayan discusses six best practices that will help you in ensuring the security of your Java application.

Jakarta EE & React file up- and download using Java 11 and TypeScript - Another great blog from Philip Riecks who demonstrates how to create a Jakarta EE backend with a React frontend using TypeScript to up- and download a file. Also includes a solution to create and bundle a React application with Maven and serve the result with Payara.

Java Microservices: A Practical Guide - You can use this excellent HUGE guide by
Marco Behler to understand what Java microservices are, how you architect and build them. As well as Java microservice libraries & common questions.

Celebrating 20 years of enterprise Java: Milestones - The Redhat team recounts some of the most important milestones in the history of Java. 


Comic Of The Month


Videos & Podcasts

Deploy, Monitor and Take Control of your Microservices with MicroProfile - In this session delivered at JCON by Rudy De Busscher learn how MicroProfile runtimes collect metrics and how to seamlessly collect them with tools like Prometheus and Grafana.
60th Airhacks Episode - An illuminating and fun interview with Adam Bien and Kevin Sutter. Especially if you are interested in Jakarta EE and MicroProfile.
From the Cradle to the Holy Graal - the JDK Story - This video covers the history of the JDK leading to the Graal compiler. As well as virtual machines, interpreters, compilers, optimizations, legalities and GraalVM.
Java 9 and Beyond - In this Devoxx session by Venkat he dives into the significant changes to Java from Java 9 to the latest version. Taking an example oriented approach to look into the features and discuss the pros and cons of using them.
Java Packaging Tool: Create Native Packages to Deploy Java Applications - JDK 14 plans to deliver a new tool, jpackage, that will enable devs to distribute their applications in an installable package suitable for the native platform on which it will run.
Java 12 & 13 What's New and Noteworthy? - Switch expressions? String blocks? New functions in String, Streams and other APIs? Shenandoah and ZGC? In this video, Piotr Przybył does a deep dive into everything you need to know.
Microservices Testing Strategies, Types & Tools: A Complete Guide from Thorben Janssen.
Optimizing Cloud Native Java with Jakarta EE / MicroProfile - In this session, Adam Bien codes a few microservices "from scratch" and explains the design choices on-the-go. Demonstrating how to increase the productivity and shrink the codebase.
Our latest release overview webinar is now online - This video expands on our release notes and answers a few questions from the community.

Community News

Docker Enterprise Sails to New Waters - Docker reaches a new era, marking a new beginning, as well as an end. Docker Enterprise has been acquired by Mirantis, a vendor for enterprise cloud solutions.
Apple just Opensourced ServiceTalk (JVM network application framework built on Netty)

Big Bang - There was some movement towards applying a big bang approach for the Jakarta EE namespace migration. 
The Annual Octoverse Report from Github - Very impressive report. A lot of insights into industry changes and growth, including changes to Java's ranking.
Devnexus announced first ever global JUG leaders summit - Organised by the Atlanta JUG, they have invited JUGS from around the world to meet at the Devnexus conference next year.



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