Posts tagged Java EE (11)

From Monoliths to Pragmatic Microservices with Java EE

It seems like Microservices architecture is almost everywhere these days. For a long time, I used to have a feeling that many people talked about it but very few use it. So I decided to find out how to get the most out of Microservices. I've studied this architecture a lot, experimented with the technology created specifically for Microservices and talked to other people who knew more than me. This how I've met some incredible people. And it's also a reason why I've joined forces with Reza Rahman and Ivar Grimstad to create a Hands-on Lab about our findings, which we'll present at Oracle Code One this year.

Microservices for Java EE Developers (Japanese)

今日、マイクロサービスのコンセプトは単に新しいだけではなくなっています。DevOpsの登場、コンテナ技術ブーム、デプロイ自動化ツールによって、マイクロサービスは開発者が手掛けるアプリケーションの構造を変えつつあります。マイクロサービスはJava EE開発者にとっていかにして有効な選択肢となり得るのか、そしてPayara Microとそれが提供する完璧なプラットフォームによってどのようなメリットが得られるのかについてみてゆきましょう。


A Step-by-Step Guide from Traditional Java EE to Reactive Microservice Design

A workshop given at JPrime conference in May 2018.

Have you wondered how you can improve the design of your applications to improve its performance? You probably heard that reactive design can help achieve better response time and make your applications more flexible. But you’re asking: Do I need to rewrite my applications from scratch? Do I need to learn a new framework for all that? The answer is no, especially if your application is built on top of Java EE and Java 8.

How Decisions Are Made: Jakarta EE and Eclipse MicroProfile

Recently I was tasked with preparing a presentation on an update to Jakarta EE and Eclipse MicroProfile® and it got me thinking about the organisation and structure involved in this huge effort to transform Java EE into a truly open source standard under the Eclipse Foundation. While organising my thoughts I put together a picture showing the structure and tensions of this undertaking to help people understand what various groups do and perhaps how better to get involved. The structure and governance is evolving as I write this so I may not get everything right. 

Java EE Security API (JSR 375/Soteria) with JWT tokens

Introduction : 

Java EE Security API (JSR 375) :

The Java EE Security API 1.0 is a new spec for Java EE 8 that aims to bridge some of the gaps that have traditionally been left unspecified and provides the new way to define or configure identity stores and authentication mechanisms.  

The Future of Cloud-Native, Open Source Java with Jakarta EE

It's here! The Eclipse Foundation has announced the future of Java EE with the release of Jakarta EE ; a cloud-native Java and an open source governance model. As enterprises modernize their infrastructure for cloud, microservices and containers, the technological transformation requires a new governance model that provides faster release cycles to keep pace with innovation, along with an open source, community-driven evolution of the platform.

Jakarta EE marks a new era

It is highly likely that most people involved in the Java EE community are already aware of the open sourcing of Java EE and the move to the Eclipse Foundation. For those unaware, however, here's a quick primer:

Payara and Zulu: The Perfect Open Source Java Combination

Thanks to Sun Microsystems, Java has an open source history dating back over ten years. 


In 2006, the OpenJDK project was announced.  It took a while to remove some lingering proprietary components but, with build 53 of OpenJDK 7, we finally had a fully open source version of the JDK.  This also became the source code for the reference implementation of the Java SE standard as of Java SE 7.

Log directly to Logstash from Payara Server

(Guest blog)

When running multiple instances of an application server, it is quite hard to see correlations between events. One of the best tools to enable that is the ELK stack - Elasticsearch for building fulltext index of the log entries, Logstash for managing the inflow the events, and Kibana as a user interface on top of that.

Solutions for Payara Server exist, that use better parseable log format which can be then processed by Logstash Filebeat in order to have these log entries processed by a remote Logstash server.


In our project, we chose a different path — we replaced all logging in the server and our applications with Logback, and make use of the logback-logstash-appender to push the events directly to Logstash over a TCP socket. The appender uses LMAX disruptor internally to push the logs, so the processes does not block the application flow. This article will show you how to have this configured for your project as well.