Posts tagged Java EE (12)

Jakarta EE marks a new era

It is highly likely that most people involved in the Java EE community are already aware of the open sourcing of Java EE and the move to the Eclipse Foundation. For those unaware, however, here's a quick primer:

Payara and Zulu: The Perfect Open Source Java Combination

Thanks to Sun Microsystems, Java has an open source history dating back over ten years. 


In 2006, the OpenJDK project was announced.  It took a while to remove some lingering proprietary components but, with build 53 of OpenJDK 7, we finally had a fully open source version of the JDK.  This also became the source code for the reference implementation of the Java SE standard as of Java SE 7.

Log directly to Logstash from Payara Server

(Guest blog)

When running multiple instances of an application server, it is quite hard to see correlations between events. One of the best tools to enable that is the ELK stack - Elasticsearch for building fulltext index of the log entries, Logstash for managing the inflow the events, and Kibana as a user interface on top of that.

Solutions for Payara Server exist, that use better parseable log format which can be then processed by Logstash Filebeat in order to have these log entries processed by a remote Logstash server.


In our project, we chose a different path — we replaced all logging in the server and our applications with Logback, and make use of the logback-logstash-appender to push the events directly to Logstash over a TCP socket. The appender uses LMAX disruptor internally to push the logs, so the processes does not block the application flow. This article will show you how to have this configured for your project as well.


AWS Native Discovery with Payara Micro

Both Payara Server and Payara Micro can cluster together and share data using Hazelcast. Out-of-the-box, there is no configuration needed, since Hazelcast uses multicast to discover and join other cluster members. However, when running in cloud environments like AWS, for example, there are a lot of things which can stop discovery being quite so straightforward. The key thing is that Multicast is not available, meaning another discovery strategy is needed; the most common generic alternative is to use TCP, but this assumes that you know at least the intended subnet that your cluster members will be in ahead of time.


Eclipse MicroProfile: a quest for a lightweight and modern enterprise Java platform

Do you still think that Java EE is heavy-weight, cumbersome and doesn’t keep up with modern trends? I’ll show you that there are already production-ready enterprise and open source solutions to bring more flexibility than the traditional Java EE servers from the past. They strive to provide lightweight and extensible runtimes to power microservices, cloud deployments and reactive architectures already. Their individual efforts are naturally followed by an open collaboration within the MicroProfile project.

Welcome to the Team - Kenji Hasunuma

We’re very excited to announce our new Payara Team member - Kenji Hasunuma - who joined us at the beginning of November! If you've been an active Java EE & Payara community member in Japan I'm sure you recongnize his name :) 

Read along to find out more about Kenji and what he’ll be working on at Payara.


New Arquillian Container for Payara Server

One of the core steps in every continuous integration process is running integration tests for your application. Unlike vanilla unit tests, integration tests allow you to assess the state of your applications or systems by testing all of its components together (modules, databases, messaging, etc.) and verifying that they work correctly as a whole unit. Needless to say, integration tests are more complex that simple unit tests, have a larger footprint, take more time and are usually saved to test full releases or major changes to implementations.

MicroProfile Panel - One Year On

Just a little over a year ago, the MicroProfile initiative was born. The community first heard about it at the DevNation conference in San Francisco on the 27th June last year. During the keynote panel, the five founding members (Red Hat, IBM, Tomitribe, LJC, and Payara) announced their collaboration and their main goal - to make it easier for developers to use familiar Java EE technologies and APIs for building microservice applications.